



Status: Complete

[upper right]
Nevada Nov [November] 22 1855

My Dear Farther [Father]

I now take my pen in
hand to adress [address] a few lines
to you to let you know that
I am quite well and hope those
few lines may find you the same
I wrote to you on the 27 of last
Augest [August] and sent you a bill of exchange
on Wells Fargo an [and] C [Company] for one hundred dollars $100 to be drawn at
thare [their] bank in Boston and as I have
not receved [received] a answer from you yet
I begin to feal uneasy for feare [fear] it has
gon [gone] a stray [astray] it is some ways fromt
here to ware [where] I warck [work] or else I should
of wrote to you before we have come
to the City to get our winters s
suplies [supplies] we have not had any raine [rain]
yet but every aperance [appearance] of winter
seting [setting] in soon Provissions [provisions] of all cinds [kinds]
very high this fall Flour $12 per hundred
Potatoes are teen [ten] dollars per hund [hundred] lb [pound] butter
$1 25 cts [cents] per lb [pound] Porck [Pork] 88 cts [cents] ham 37 1/2 cts [cents] and
every thing else in prepartion steep
living this I tell you it will cost
us one hundred and fifty dollars a peace [apiece] for board
for the next three months

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