[upper right]
Miltown S.T. Stephens july [July] 17 of 1853
My Dear Farther
I now seat my self [myself] to
write a few lines to you to
let you know that I am quite
well and have been cince [since] I last wrote to
you I hope these lines may find you
all the same
I went upriver the twenteth [twentieth] of
December last and I got in to the
boom the ninth day of this month I
was gon [gone] six months and sixteen days
during witch [which] time I earnt [earned] 154$ 68 cts [cents]
part of the time I worcked [worked] by the
day and part of A the time by the
month I had a first rate time while
I was gon [gone] Robert and I worcked [worked] to gat [get]
her all winter and most of the Spring
he is a good fellow to worck [work] and
thay [they] like first rate I have not
seen him but twice cince [since] we left
the Drive we live a bout three miles
apart likely I shall se [see] him this after
noon [afternoon]. we had a very heavy rain last
night it was very mutch [much] neaded [needed] /Turn over
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