[upper right]
Miltown S T Stephen Dec [December] the 26 of /52 [1852]
My Dear Farther
I now M take my pen
in hand to let you know that I am quite
well and hope those few lines may find you the
same I was at worck [work] last week fore [for] morse
geting [getting] ready to go in to the woods I am going
to start to morrow [tomorrow] morning the weather has
been very cold here last week but thare [there]
has been very litle [little] snow it has been snowing
very fast all day to day I now am at
the house whare [where] I have been boarding Robert
is siting [sitting] at the table with me and we
are all a lone [alone] the folks are all gon [gone]
to meting [meeting] to morrow [tomorrow] morning we start
for the bush Robert is going with me
he has $15 per month I think it a
chance if we are down before the first
of July I think we will have a first
rate time winter for we have got as
good a team as ever went up Scudick [Schoodic]
watters [waters] thare [there] will be six of us in number
we are going for the same man
that I worcked [worked] for last winter and
into the same camp I have not seen
nor heard from Mr. Morton or James since I rote [wrote]
you last I hope you spent a happy
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