facts and things in general and I met him in town h
the other Day but I Did not have time to talk
with him only to pass the time of Day I blive [believe] thare [there]
is nothing more worth relating at present I send
my love and best respects to you all Dear mother
I should be very happy to have a letter from you
when you write tell me all the particulars remember
you have friends and relations to write about and
I have none fare you well friends and relations
and remember me to be your
Rum has been making a grate [great] deal of trouble and disturbance
here lately the most of the pepole [people] have been trying
to extinguish it for this long time but I fear thay [they]
never will thay [they] have about stoped [stopped] it on the emerican [American]
side thare [there] thay [they] will give licence [license] to but one man and he
is alowed [allowed] to sell none but fore [for] medecin [medicine] and then the brow
he how byes must have a line from a Doctor but on this
side the licences [licenses] are very hi [high] and hard to be got so
thare [there] has been a grate [great] deal sold sly and thay [they] have been
giving them law fore [for] it lately witch [which] has maid [made] a grate [great] deal
of truble [trouble] thay [they] have shot several horses and a weeck [week] a go [ago] last
night the unon [union] mills on this side ware [were] all burnt to cinders
to gather [together] with a grate [great] deal of lumber the loss of property is
estimated to be about $100,000 and thare [there] is betwen [between] three and four
two and three hundred men thrizie [thrust] out of imploy [employ] thay [they] have
not yet found out the ones who comit [commit] the deppredation [depredation] no doubt
but those irish as thay [they] ware [were] the ones that ware [were] prossicuted [prosecuted]
for sellin [selling] some of the mills ware [were] insured and some
ware [were] not but I blive [believe] thare [there] to be rebuilt this winter
nothing more worth tm relating
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