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Status: Needs Review

STOP 280

resembles the forest.
forest here is more open,
a bit shorter, and the understory
less tangled, suggesting a
transition into the upper
vegetative zone. Collecting
in the tall bushes
and grass covering the slopes
beneath the trees was productive,
though the weather remained
cloudy. Barking fallen trees
and branches [illegible]
beetles, Dermaptera, etc. Temp. -
75°; periodical short showers.

At 1275 meters one sees
a good example of the
high zone of Doi Sitep [Doi Suthep].
Some specimens were
collected near the [Hirje?] Palace
in an open wood of
well-spaced, broad-leafed
oaks and many other large -
and small-leafed trees 20-30 ft.
tall, with more spreading crowns
than trees in the middle zone.

The forest structure in the
upper zone, in fact, superficially

resembles that of the lowest
deciduous level, but much
heavier rainfall is apparent
near the top of the mountain.
A distinct, rather lengthy
dry season
affects the upper zone as
well, and epiphytic growth
is not extensive. Here grass
3 ft. deep, and small seedlings
and shrubs up to 6 ft. tall
cover the ground completely,
though moving about is quite
easy. Many fallen and cut
trees & branches litter the
ground, especially in the
vicinity of the newly
constructed road.

Below the palace a small
dirt road winds on around
to the summit, in the vicinity
of 4500 ft. elevation.

[illegible], misty clouds covered
this zone most of the time, and
heavy rain fell occasionally.
The vegetation was always

No black light collecting.

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