Volume 1

Holland Correspondence Archive Box 1. Letters and other correspondence dated from June 18, 1896 to October 30, 1896.


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Frank Williams

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July 4th, 1896,

S. H. Church, Esq. Sec'y. 1003 Penn Ave. Pittsburg, Pa.

Dear Sir:

Enclosed I send you the regular monthly statement from Messrs Dauler, Close and Johns, which was recently received. In regard to bills and statements I would like to ask whether it is intended to be the rule that I should check them, when I am familiar enough with the goods purchased, and send them to you, or shall I send them to Mr. Mellor as chairman or to Mr. Frick, as treasurer?

Enclosed I also send you the letter from the donor of the sabres. Mr. Mellor informs me that you are familiar with the history of these sabres. If there is anything further, not in this letter, which you can tell me about them I would be much pleased. I wish to prepare a label for them and place them on exhibition. Kindly

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return the letter from Mr. Whitfield.

Very sincerely yours.

F H Gerrodette

July 4th 96,

C. C. Mellor, Esq, Pittsburg, Pa.

Dear Mr Mellor:

Enclosed I send you receipted bills which have not come into my possession. I send them as vouchers. They should have accompanied my last account of petty cash re[ ]ed.

Very sincerly yours

F H Gerrodette

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July 4th, 1896,

W. H. Verehoff, Esq, 1217 F St. N.W. Wshington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

Your kind favor received. I was much pleased to learn that you feel it probable that you would be able to furnish this herbarium board in quantities to suit our needs. We wish to use it in our museum but, as stated, we could not well purchase it in ton lots. I would be pleased if you could send me a single sheet as a sample, or a half or quarter sheet, if that would be more convienent.

Trusting that you soon be able to furnish the board in small quantities as stated. I am, with sincere respect,

Yours very truly,

F. H. Gerrodette

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July 5th 96,

Prof. F. W. Putnam Cambridge Mass,

Dear Prof. Putnam,

Your kind favor was received. I thank you sincerely for the trouble you take in writing such a long and full letter.

I have secured the prints you mentioned. I have purchased the regular artists tube (oil) colors. I may have to paint some of the numbers myself. In time I hope to have a girl who can write letters and do this work also.

I have tried to find French bonnet glue here in Pittsburg but have had no success. I have looked all about in this city first but cannot find it. If I wish to use it, and I should like to use it, I fear I shall have to send to New York or to Boston for it. Can you tell me where I can get it? I shall write to the "F. W. Devoe - C. T. Raymond Co" in New York for it. The Winchell's cement cannot be had here either. This I might make if I knew the proportions of the ingredients. I believe it consists of gum arabic, sugar, starch,and water mixed in definite porportions. I fear, I shall have to begin with Silicate of Soda or Le Page's glue until I can get something better.

There is a mound here within eight miles of this city on a high bluff, which is being quickly torn away by blasting. If this mound is to be carefully cut into at all it must be done at once. I have secured the consent of one of the owners of the land and am awaiting that of  [...]

Last edit 3 months ago by RCH in KZ
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