July 3rd 1896.
W. J. Holland, D.D. Pittsburg, Pa.
Dear Dr. Holland,
I would sincerely request that in ordering cards for the card catalogue the committee will not order a white card. The white cards become [ ]ghtly in a very short time comparatively. I would much prefer a manilla card. I consider these much more serviceable and they look better and are easier to write upon.
I have been thinking over the storage cases case trays. I sincerely hope that the committee will not have them varnished. This is, I think, an added expense and the trays if varnished will give us no end of trouble. I should never elect to have them varnished. I have never seen any varnished storage trays. I know they are not used in New York or Cambridge. I do not know of any place outside of the United States National Museum where they are used and
the fact that they are used there , it seems [to me, is not sufficient to influence us in adopting them; nor is it a positive guarantee that they are best. They can, I believe, be made tight without varnish - ing and both Mr. Smith and myself would much prefer that they should not be varnshished. However, that is for the Committee to decide. I merely suggest this after having given it further thought and after talking it over with Mr. Smith. I felt some doubt of the experience of varnishing the trays from the first, but did not speak of if more than to suggest it yesterday as I wished to think it over before so doing. I might almost say that for my work in american archaeology I could not use a tray, the interior of which, at least, was varnished.
You very kindly state that you had some setting boards that Mr. Smith could use until he could get them. We would be greatly obliged if you would kindly send your man over with them at your convenience.
I would be much pleased if you would also kindly lend to me for one day the plan of the rooms which obtained from the architects. I would like to make a couple of copies of it. I will return it promptly.
Very sincerely yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 3rd '96
C.C. Mellor, Esq. Pittsburg, Pa.
Dear Mr. Mellor:
In reply to your request by telephone to-day, I think that the letter to which you referred could hardly have been among those turned over to me. I put them all, when I received them carefully in the desk here. All have been answered and filed away. I have made a search for that letter but without success.
The letter from Mr. M. M. Phillippi together with the clipping is now before me. You e[ ]sed upon the letter that you had requessed the pieces sent to us. I have no record of their arrival. Do you wish me to write again or would you prefer to do so? I have reference to the so called fossil serpent, possible "Lepidodendron" found in a coal shop in Somerset Co.
I have thought much about the trays since last evening. I sincerely hope that the Committee will decide not to have them varnished. I feel sure that the trays if varnished will give us no end of trouble. I fret as when it was proposed but prefered to think it over before suggesting it. Mr. Smith is of my opinion on this point. They can be made tightly by a careful
joining at the corners. They are used in part, I beleive at the National Museum but at some others, which I have been informed rank higher or as high in Museum technique, they are not used.
Glass covered unit drawers, "24" x 30" are excellent for some specimens. They can be so made as to fit nicely with cases or service for ex hibition. Examples of these are shown in Dr. Goode's article in the report of the U. S. Nat'l Museum for 1893, on plates 1, 27, 28, and 29. I should like to see them in use however before advocating them for our use. They might prove useful for handling exhibition collections in which the specimens themselves are easily broken.
Herewith I hand you lists of specimens. I would be please if you would return the copy, which the museum committee retains, to me as I would find it of much use in cataloguing the present contents of the museum.
Faithfully yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 3rd '96
The George A. Kelly Co, Pittsburg, Pa,
Some days ago I spoke to you at your office about purchasing a barrel of alcohol for scientific purposes here in the museums. I saw the collector and he told me that in making out my papers I must have the numbers of the particular cask or barrel which was to be admitted free of the revenue tax, as I desire to get it. I see no way then but to order the barrel and have the distillery send you the number, which you might communicate to me. On receipt of it I will make out the necessary papers desired by the Collector. Will you kindly therefore order a barrel for us, get the number and other marks or designations on it, and have it held by the distillery until I can get the necessary papers through?
Thanking you in advance, I am, with sincere respect,
Yours very truly,
F. H. Gerrodette