Volume 1

Holland Correspondence Archive Box 1. Letters and other correspondence dated from June 18, 1896 to October 30, 1896.


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July 3rd 1896

H.W. Martin, Esq. of Linden Steel Co. City

Dear Sir,

Your favor received and would say, in reply, that we have no special appropriation for the purchase of specimens as yet. We should, however, be much pleased to see your specimens, and would like to have our curator, Mr. Smith see them in order that he may judge of the advisability of adding them to our present collection. It is possible that some special arrangement could be made. I shall be pleased to hear from you further in regard to this matter.

With sincere esteem

Yours very truly

F. H. Gerrodette

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 3 months ago by RCH in KZ
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July 3rd 1896

N. R. Graham M.D. 48 N. Main St. Sharpsburg Pa.

Dear Sir,

Your kind favor of June 23d received and read with much interest. As yet, we had no special appropriation for the purchase of specimens however interesting they may be. Our policy is rather in the line of collecting specimens ourselves. Still, in order to keep up this work, it will be necessary to make purchases later on. I will keep your letter for future reference, and shall be very pleased to hear from you again on this subject and to receive any further information in regard to this interesting collection.

Thank you most heartily for your courtesy in letting us know of this.

Yours with sincere esteem

Yours very truly

F. H. Gerrodette

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July 3d 1896

Geo. Fitzsimmons Esq. Mc Donald Pa.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of April 20th received and contents duly noted. Your phoographs are now in my charge, and you may be sure that they will be properly cared for. They certainly have a great interest in relation to local industries, and I think very likely we shall be pleased to place them on exhibition. Just at present, we are in a transition stage, and it is a little difficult to speak with certainty. If we decide to exhibit them, we shall be glad to see your later photographs. In any case I will let you know a little later

With sincere esteem

Yours very truly

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 3 months ago by Sandym
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July 3rd 1896

James Pariset Whitfield Esq. Murray Hill Hotel N.Y. City.

Dear Sir:

Your kind favor of May 28th received. Pray pardon the delay in answering it, but I have only recently been appointed Director, and am now taking up the duties of my office. We shall take great pleasure in accepting the Sabres for the Carnegie Musiem, not only on account of their early association with the history of our country, but also for the courtesy of the donor. Thanking you sincerely for the gift Belive me, with sincere esteem,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 3 months ago by RCH in KZ
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July 3rd '96

F. T. Gretten, Esq, 2849 Sarah Street, Pittsburg, Pa,

Dear Sir:

Replying to your letter of the 23rd ult. I trust you will pardon my delay. It has not been possible, in the hurry of [ ]ting our work for me to get at my correspondence before.

In regard to your collection I am more than pleased to have it and to be permitted to make use of it here. Let me assure you that it will be carefully cared for. We are now endevooring to get new exhibition cases etc, and as soon as possible I will go to work upon your collection to get it ready for exhibition. we will give it a good place in our geological exhibit for I feel that it will prove of great interest to the people. I will write you again as soon as I have been able to do anything toward getting it ready and this will be done as soon as possible

Very sincerely yours,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 3 months ago by RCH in KZ
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