Volume 1

Holland Correspondence Archive Box 1. Letters and other correspondence dated from June 18, 1896 to October 30, 1896.


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of this kind of material it might be better to purchase it from Mr. Smith; it might be better economy to do this than to employ his time, for which we pay, in collecting such material a new. He could thus be employed in collecting other material which we have not in the museum. However, he wishes me to state that he wil do what he can to get together specimens of this kind.

It will be difficult to form a collection of birds eggs and nests this year; the nesting season for most species is past. A new collection of old nests would have no value. Nests and eggs are better collected together with the birds. No provision has been made for bird hunting or collecting. We are waiting to hear from Mr. Warren through Mr. W[ ]m. Mr. Smith cannot well collect birds because of his deafness. This work has been done in the past by Mrs. Smith.

Something may be done in collecting nests of field mice, squirrels, and other small mammalia. Large specimens of this character such as the houses of muskrats, beaver, etc, are commonly prepared for museums by skilled taxidermists. They are favorite subjects for group or environment cases. They are

Last edit 4 months ago by RCH in KZ
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very expensive. It is doubtful in any case if such objects could be found within 50 miles of Pittsburg. What can be done in this case, however, will be done.

Very sincerely yours,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 4 months ago by RCH in KZ
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July 3rd 1896.

S. H. Church, Esq., Sec'y Board of Trustees, Pittsburg, Pa.

Dear Sir:

I spoke to Mrs. Smith, as desired in regard to enngaging her services. She referred the matter to Mr. Smith. She wrote me his reply, which I enclose herewith.

Very sincerely yours,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 4 months ago by Sandym
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July 3rd 96

S. H. Church Esq, Sec'y 1003 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.

Dear Sir:

I would be much pleased if you would kindly send me another copy of the By laws. I cannot find the copy you sent for me and Mr. Smith cannot find his.

Very sincerely yours,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 4 months ago by Sandym
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July 3rd 96

S.J. Hoskmon, Esq., 302 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa,

Dear Sir:

Replying to your kind favor of the 15th ult, I regret to state that our committee has made no appor priation for the purchase of coins such as that you wish to dispose of. I regret, therefore, that I am unable to make you an offer for the coin, the dollar of 1804.

Very sincerely yours,

F. H. Gerrodette

Last edit 3 months ago by RCH in KZ
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