July 2nd '96
B.W. Morgan, Esq, 4599 Forbes St., Pittsburg, Pa.,
Dear Sir:
Your kind favor of June 23rd & Mr. Mellor was referred to me. We accept with thanks the [ ] surrounded with relics from Gettysburg and should you meet with any other objects along the lines of Natural History, American Archealogy, Industrial Arts, etc. or history, which you may think would be of interest or value to the museum we would esteem it a favor if you would let us hear from you.
Faithfully yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 2nd 1896,
D. G. Chessrown, Esq., Monongahela, Pa.,
Dear Sir:
Your kind letter to Mr. Church has been referred to me. I would be very much pleased to receive the chains and keys from the Old Portage R. R. which you state that you can get for us. They will be of much interest in adding to the specimens already in our possession. If you will pack them up in small packages and express them to us I will send you a check to cover the expense for expressiage and something extra, as you suggest, to pay the boys for going after them.
I should be much pleased to see you here on the occaision of your next visit to Pittsburg.
Thanking you for your kindness in thinking of us in connection with the Old Portage R.R. I am,
Very sincerely yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
Pittsburgh. July 3, 1896.
F. H. Gerrodette Director Carnegie Museum.
Dear Sir:
In answer to your verbal communication, and to the letter of the Museum Committee regarding the employment of my wife, she desires me to state that she cannot work for you for $25 per month. She will, as heretofore, give her services gratuitously so long as I am here, but she cannot be bound to particular hours, nor does she hold herself responsible to you in any way.
Yours very truly,
Herbert H. Smith
July 3rd '96
HERBERT H. SMITH, Curator of Zoology and Botany
S. H. Church, Esq. 1003 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh. Pa,
Dear Mr. Church,
I could say in regard to the stationery that Mr. Smith fret on little back that his name should have been left off. He said it deprived him of all individuality; no identity in connection with the museum and that he could not use the paper for his correspondence in any way. I would be much pleased if his name could be added, say, as above, in type the same way that in which my name is printed, but a shade smaller. I mention this for conversation. It might be added to one of the packages of paper or all of it as it may please you.
Very sincerely yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 3rd '96.
S. H. Church, Esq. Secy' Board of Trustees, 1003 Penn Ave. Pittsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir:
Your kind favors of yesterday were received.
The mound on McKee's bluff will be opened as soon as the necessary consents have been obtained from the owners.
Regarding your letter with reference to [ ] without hands I would reply as following:
Mr. Smith has now in the laboratory a large collection of material illustrating insect architecture. This has, it is true largely come from South America but it is nevertheless, I believe, available for our use. This collection has been deposited in the museum and will be placed on exhibition as soon as the needful vases are provided for it. I think if the museum wishes to own a collection