were all found in one place or are already labelled this will not be necessary. If they all come from one place or are labeled merly pack them in a box, with the labels, and let me know by letter where they were found. It is very desirable that I should know where each object was found. This knowledge of the locality is one of the chief values of the specimen for museum purposes.
I thank you for your kind offer to do what you can for us in our work. I will keep your name and write you from time to time. In natural history we are anxious to obtain well preserved specimens of the local fauna and of fossils. That is we are glad to get birds and animals and all other forms of life in such a condition that they can be mounted by our taxidermist, and all fossils or also raw minerals found in the valley of these three rivers.
I would be pleased to receive the scutching blade and wool cards, should you succeed in getting them.
Should you decide to come to the museum, if you will let me know by mail, when you will be here, I will try to be here to receive you.
Very sincerely yours
F. H. Gerrodette
July 3rd 1896
C.R. Cunningham, Esq.,
Dear Sir.
I would be pleased if you would procure for me an estimate and let me know what the cost would be for putting in my office one of those intramural telephones. I would like my telephone to connect with all the others in the building and also with a phone in the basement in the laboratory; the phone in the laboratory need connect only with my office.
Kindly push the matter of the water in the laboratory. I believe you were to see me about this and one or two other matters.
Very truly yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July, 3rd 1896,
Thomas Harper, Esq. Harrison Services Belleville Allegheny Co, Pa.
Dear Mr. Harper,
I regret much that I have been unable to come out again to Belleville to see that other mound. I have been kept here by several important matters which could not be left.
As soon as the requisite permission can be obtained from Philadelphia I shall be ready to go ahead and open the McKee's bluff mound. When we are ready we shall probably need two laborers. Can we get good men for this work in your vicinity or near the mound? Will they furnish their own tools shovel, pick, and axes. Can we get men who have those tools, or should we have to purchase them for the work?
I hope to be able to see you in a few days. I am now so busy, however, that I cannot well leave.
Faithfully yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
Carnegie Museum Schenley Park, Pittsburgh. July 30, 1896
James W. Queen & Co. Philadelphia.
Please send me by mail, 5000 Klaeger Insect Pins, No. 3, with bill made out to me personally. The bill will be promptly paid: I would remit it with this but do not know just how much the pins will cost.
Yours very truly
Herbert H. Smith Curator
July of 96.
Archie S. Park Esq. c/o Phoenix Brewery Co. Pittsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir,
Your kind favor of the 14th of May sent to me in New York City, has not received an earlier answer because I did not feel that I could well write upon this subject until after my arrival in Pittsburg and until I had become somewhat acquainted with the circumstances under which I was to work.
I should be pleased to see your collection. Where is it situated and when could I see it? I must say that I can give no assurance of purchasing for as a general thing these objects come to us by donation. Again unless your collection is well labelled or catalogued so that the origin of each piece, the locality in which it was found can be definately known, it would be of little value. However, I would be pleased to look at what you have. I might be able to do something with you to aid purchase or to aid you in disposing of the collection
Hoping to hear from you, I am,
Very truly yours,
F. H. Gerrodette