Size 1 about 9 1/8" x 13 1/2" 250 boxes " 2 about 6 5/8" x 9" 250 " " 3 " 6 1/2" x 4 3/8" 500 " " 4 " 4 1/4" x 3 1/8" 1000 " " 5 " 3" x 2 1/8" 2000 " " 6 " 1 3/8" x 2" 4000 "
Kindly send me this estimate at your earliest convienence.
Very sincerely yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 1st 96
Capt J. R. Johnson, Pittsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir:
After considering the matter with care I have decided that I can not purchase any of your collection at this time.
Very Truly yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
Jul 1st 1896.
The Pennsylvania Paper Box Co. 419 Seventh Ave. Pittsburg, Pa.
We wish to purchase more trays and boxes for our museum. We wish pasteboard boxes that will fit nicely into wooden trays which we are having made. The dimensions of the interior these trays are 18 3/8" x 27 1/2". We desire some of the boxes of a size so that two of them will fit nicely into one of these trays. The next size we desire such that four of them will fit nicely into the larger pasteboard box, and so on diminishing the size so that two of one size will fit into one of the next larger size. We wish these boxes to be of varying heights from 1/2" to 3" and to have covers. The covers must be of a depth equal to that of the boxes so that they will fit snugly over the boxes and come down flush with the bottom of the boxes. As I figure it we would want five or six different sizes, each
size being twice that of the next smaller size.
I would like an estimate on about 7750 of such boxes, about as follows, size 1 being the largest:
Size 1 about 6 5/8" x 9" 250 boxes " 2 " 6 1/2" x 4 3/8" 500 " " 3 " 4 1/4" x 3 1/8" 1000 " " 4 " 3" x 2 1/8" 2000 " " 5 " 1 3/8" x 2" 4000 "
Also about 250 boxes about 9 1/8" x 13 1/2"
Finaly send me this estimate at your earliest convenience as we are in some hurry to get the boxes for present use.
Very sincerely yours,
F. H. Gerrodette
July 2nd 1896
D. S. Boucher, Esq.
Glade Somerset Co. Pa,
Dear Sir:
Your very kind letter was received I was much pleased to hear from you. It is just such letters that give encouragement to us in our work.
With regard to the arrow points which you so kindly offer to send us, I would be most pleased if you would send these by express we will pay the charges. I am not yet familiar with this country, but if your home is not too far from here we I would be pleased if you would come in to see me and bring with you the arrow points and other Indian relics, and what ever objects you may care to leave with us. If you send the arrow points, etc, kindly wrap them in separate pieces of paper, wrapping in with each one a slip on which you can write the locality where the objects were fouind. Of course, if they