Volume 1

Holland Correspondence Archive Box 1. Letters and other correspondence dated from June 18, 1896 to October 30, 1896.


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Oct. 24. 1896

J.[?] Mason[?], Ridge[?] Avenue[?], Allegheny, Pa.

The Museum Commitee begs to acknowledge you donation of a skunks[?] skin, and to thank you for the same. When placed on exhibiit will be properly labeled and credit given you for it. Very truly yours,

C.C. Mellon, Dr. H.[?]

Last edit 3 months ago by MaryV
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Oct. 24, 1896.

Mr. E. W. Lighter Washington Office "Pittsburg Dispatch", Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Lightner:-

We herewith return to you the statement in reference to Bruddock's sash, which has been referred to the Museum Committee by Mr. Carnegie. The Committee has understood, through Mr. Meller, that the parties holding this sash regard it as worth at least a thousand dollars. In the judgement of this Committee, the price suggested is in excess of what it would be proper to pay even for a relic of so much historical interest as this, and we could not consider an offer to sell at so great a price. If historical relics of this sort were to be rated at such figures it would be impossible for the wealthiest Museum to make any considerable collection of such things.

Aside, however, from the fees, that we regard the price suggested as excessive, it is but proper to state that we are not at present in possession of funds sufficient to justify such a purchase. Our revenues for the present year are already pledged, and we have perhaps to some extent anticipated the appropriation of the coming year. Under these circumstances we are not in the position to purchase. If, however, the parties owning this sash would be willing to place it in our custody for a time for exhibition, we would be glad to have it, and it might be that circumstances might arise which would pave the way for its ultimate acquisition by this Museum.

I am,

Very respectfully yours, W. J. Holland. Per H

For the Museum Committee.

Last edit 5 months ago by kimberleym
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Oct. 27, 1895.

Messrs. Katz & Co., [2?] Fountain Street, Pittsburg, Pa.

Gentleman: Please furnish 1000 blocks (black) similar to those already furnished, of the dimensions of enclosed drawing, and let us have them by Thursday, if possible.

Please call at the Museum to to-morrow morning, and oblige,

Yours very truly, J.L.[Deming?]

Last edit 20 days ago by neorem
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O.P. Hay, Esq., 5711 Rosalie Court, Chicago, Ills.

Dear Sir:-

In answer to yours of the 20th, in which you ask if there is a possibility of your securing a position in the Carnegie Museum, I have to say that all such matters lie with the Trustees [...] Mellor, the Chairman of the Museum Committee, requested me t[...] that at present he and the other members of the Committee [...] busy preparing for the annual opening day on November 5th. [...] Committee will consider in regular course, any application [...]se to make.

The Museum proper is mainly devot[...]. We have just started and plans are not fully developed. [...] that the proceeds of the Carnegie fund are divided between the [...] and an art gallery; the two being indirectly connected, and under [...] same roof.

At present I have charge of the Zoological Collections. The work so far done in Archeology etc. has been in the hands of special assistants. I do not know what your chances would be. Certainly we are in need of more workers, but it is largely a question of funds. It can do no harm for you to make a regular application for the curatorship of Geology, or any other place which you think would suit you; supporting your request by such recommendations as you can obtain. Communications should be addressed to [ C.C. Mellor, ] Esq., Chairman of the Museum Committee

I remain,

Yours very sincerely, [no signature]

Last edit 3 months ago by SML202
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[ink stamp in upper right corner] 673 [end ink stamp]

[brown lines on upper left corner, likely an address struck out]

Oct. 28, 1896

Milton Baxter, Esq., Homestead, Pa.

Dear Sir:-

The Museum Committee is very much obliged to you for your kind offer to donate the specimen of gold-bearing quartz now at Little Pittsburg Mine, Colorado; but we feel the necessity of declining your offer, as the specimen is too large for the space we have at present.

Thanking you for your interest in the Museum, I am,

Yours very truly,

[signature] C. C. [ Mellor ] [ Clue ] [end signature]

Last edit 5 months ago by schottkyDefects
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