July, 10, 1896.
William J. Fox, Esq.,
The Academy of Natural Sciences,
Logan Square, Phila., Pa.,
Dear Sir:
Replying to your kind favor of the 8th. inst., with enclosed
list of Cerithlid[...]dae, I would say that we have now a fairly full collection
of West Indian Shells, including many if not all of those mentioned
in your list. Besides this, we have not, I regret to state, at the
present time any appropriation for the purchase of shells. In fact
it is not our policy, except in rare instances to purchase collections.
I thank you sincerely for your kindness in sending your list, which I
shall be pleased, with your consent, to retain. When we have worked
over our collection we may find that we lack some of the species which
you have and we may then write you with a view to exchanging or purchas-
ing. Regretting sincerely that I am not in a position to purchase your
collection, which I can see, includes some very excellent specimens, I
am, with sincere respect,
yours very truly,
[ F. H. Gerrodette ]
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