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Jul 1st 1896.

The Pennsylvania Paper Box Co.
419 Seventh Ave.
Pittsburg, Pa.


We wish to purchase more
trays and boxes for our museum. We wish
pasteboard boxes that will fit nicely
into wooden trays which we are having
made. The dimensions of the interior these trays are
18 3/8" x 27 1/2". We desire some of the boxes
of a size so that two of them will fit
nicely into one of these trays. The next size
we desire such that four of them will fit
nicely into the larger pasteboard box, and
so on diminishing the size so that two
of one size will fit into one of the next larger
size. We wish these boxes to be of
varying heights from 1/2" to 3" and to
have covers. The covers must be of a depth
equal to that of the boxes so that they will
fit snugly over the boxes and come down flush
with the bottom of the boxes. As I figure
it we would want five or six different sizes, each

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