



Status: Complete

a course. If the committee will authorize
me to make the neccesary purchases and
for preparations and carry through this work
I will begin as soon as the necessary permis-
sions from the owners are obtained. There are
two other, [possibly?] four other, mounds near
here which might repay investigation this

I have written to Mr. Spacy as suggested.
My letter is in the letter-book.

Mr Bergmann called to-day and left
the specimens of ore which are on the side table.
Ste asks $25, for one piece, $10, for another, $7 for another
and $2.50 for another. For the silver nugget as he
terms it, he wants $5. I gave him no encourage-
ment but told him to call on Friday and I
would tell him what could be done.

Enclosed is the account of what I
have spent to date.

Herewith is also the plan of the
Museum rooms, obtained from the architect,
upon which I have placed the dimensions
in feet and inches. Dr. Streland requested
this. I would suggest that in arranging
cases the management be made not with
reference to the windows etc of the present
rooms, any more than can be helped, but
rather with reference to having the best cases
for future use. Cases that could exactly fit
these rooms might not fit others if the
museum should be moved.

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