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June 30. 1896.

Norman [ ]ng, Esq,
Manhattan Club,
New York City.

Dear Sir

It has not been possible for us to have a regular meeting of
the Museum Committee since your kind call here at the Museum. I have
however, seen Mr. Mellor, the Chairman of that Committee, and he express-
es himself as quite certain that the Committee would be more than pleased
to receive your collections of Indian implements and of pottery subject
to your conditions. We would assure you also that we would give them the
best possible location in the Museum and arrange them in cases in the best
possible way, keeping the collections, as you say, all together.

It is our purpose to make the Museum here in Pittsburg as good
a Museum as any in our country and we will be more than glad to enjoy
your co operation in this purpose. Should you at any time, during your
absence abroad, meet with any objects which you think may be of interest
to [ ] and the people here, either in a scientific or educational way,
we would be more than pleased if you would remember us.

Thanking you sincerely for your kind offer to deposit your
collections with us, I am, with sincere respect.

Yours very truly,

F. H. Gerrodette,


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