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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 123
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
159 | Elephas 2nd Rt metacarpal | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
160 | Rt Elephas Rt mid metatarsal | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
161 | Elephas 4th ditto metatarsal | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
162 | Elephas Lt tibia epiphysis | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
163 | Rhinoceros Rt mid metcarp. | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
164 | Rhinoceros Rt patella | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
165 | Rhinoceros humerus | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
166 | Elephas Rt astragalus | Pleistocene | Thames Valley | Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 | Gibson Collection |
167 | Otogmites latifolius | Inf. ? | Randay Mere Whitby N.R.Yorks | Presentd F.H. Anson Esq, 11 Delahay St. S.W. | VII 1/10 |
168 | Otogmites latifolius | Inf. ? | Randay Mere Whitby N.R.Yorks | Presentd F.H. Anson Esq, 11 Delahay St. S.W. | VII 1/9 |
XI 3/13 169 | Stromatopora Polymorpha (concentrica) | Mid Dev | Teignmouth, Devon | Microscopie slide | |
XI 3/17 170, 171. | Stromatopora Polymorpha (concentrica) | Mid Dev | S. Devon | Microscopie slide | |
SC | Hippothoa elegans | U Chalk | Louth, Lincs. | R 2666. | |
171 | Iguanodon rib | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
172 | Iguanodon vertebra | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
173 | Iguanodon rib fragment | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
174 | Iguanodon vertebra | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | [ 3 3 3 25 Palaeont. Dept. MC Cat. 1904 |
175 | Streptospondylus vertebra | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
176 | Streptospondylus articular process | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
177 | Streptospondylus articular process | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
178 | Streptospondylus articular process | Wealden | Ore, Sussex | Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 | |
179 | Chondrosteus acipenseroides, Egerton | Lower Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Probably purchd of Gregory. May 19 1866 | |
180 | Chondrosteus acipenseroides, Egerton | Lower Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Probably purchd of Gregory. May 19 1866 | [1 5 3 1] |
181 | Sauropsis | Ox. Clay | Christian Malford, Wilts | Cunnington Colf. Purchd Mar. 22 1875 | [Old MS Cat. 2 5 1 ?][New MS Cat. p. 681 3 1 2 7a] |
182 | Cervus verticornis, antler | Forest Bed | Pakefield | Pres. by Dr. Crowfoot June 1884 | |
183 | Equus caballus, femur | Fissure | Portland, Dorset | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | |
184 | Bos. tooth | Fissure | Portland, Dorset | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | |
185 | Equus tooth | Fissure | Portland, Dorset | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | |
186 | Rhinoceros ? horn core ? | Pleistocene | Ilford | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | Re-registered GSM 126733 |
187 | Equus foot bone | Pleistocene | Ilford | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | |
188 | Bos foot bone | Pleistocene | Ilford | Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 | |
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