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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 123

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
159 Elephas 2nd Rt metacarpal Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
160 Rt Elephas Rt mid metatarsal Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
161 Elephas 4th ditto metatarsal Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
162 Elephas Lt tibia epiphysis Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
163 Rhinoceros Rt mid metcarp. Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
164 Rhinoceros Rt patella Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
165 Rhinoceros humerus Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
166 Elephas Rt astragalus Pleistocene Thames Valley Purchased Charlesworth 19-IV-84 Gibson Collection
167 Otogmites latifolius Inf. ? Randay Mere Whitby N.R.Yorks Presentd F.H. Anson Esq, 11 Delahay St. S.W. VII 1/10
168 Otogmites latifolius Inf. ? Randay Mere Whitby N.R.Yorks Presentd F.H. Anson Esq, 11 Delahay St. S.W. VII 1/9
XI 3/13 169 Stromatopora Polymorpha (concentrica) Mid Dev Teignmouth, Devon Microscopie slide
XI 3/17 170, 171. Stromatopora Polymorpha (concentrica) Mid Dev S. Devon Microscopie slide
SC Hippothoa elegans U Chalk Louth, Lincs. R 2666.
171 Iguanodon rib Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
172 Iguanodon vertebra Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
173 Iguanodon rib fragment Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
174 Iguanodon vertebra Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84 [ 3 3 3 25 Palaeont. Dept. MC Cat. 1904
175 Streptospondylus vertebra Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
176 Streptospondylus articular process Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
177 Streptospondylus articular process Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
178 Streptospondylus articular process Wealden Ore, Sussex Purchd of H. Bulter, 12. 6. 84
179 Chondrosteus acipenseroides, Egerton Lower Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Probably purchd of Gregory. May 19 1866
180 Chondrosteus acipenseroides, Egerton Lower Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Probably purchd of Gregory. May 19 1866 [1 5 3 1]
181 Sauropsis Ox. Clay Christian Malford, Wilts Cunnington Colf. Purchd Mar. 22 1875 [Old MS Cat. 2 5 1 ?][New MS Cat. p. 681 3 1 2 7a]
182 Cervus verticornis, antler Forest Bed Pakefield Pres. by Dr. Crowfoot June 1884
183 Equus caballus, femur Fissure Portland, Dorset Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884
184 Bos. tooth Fissure Portland, Dorset Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884
185 Equus tooth Fissure Portland, Dorset Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884
186 Rhinoceros ? horn core ? Pleistocene Ilford Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884 Re-registered GSM 126733
187 Equus foot bone Pleistocene Ilford Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884
188 Bos foot bone Pleistocene Ilford Pres by G. Wertendarp. Esq. 17 May 1884
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