



Status: Complete


Water Infects, which I have feen cover'd almoft all over
with Tufts of them, each Tuft being made up of many
Animalcula, which appear not much unlike to the Flowers
of a Lilly or Fox-Glove.

This Congeries of Animalcula will lengthen and contraft
themfelves both altogether and feverally and I have ob-
ferved them, when they lye at length, to put out fome
wonderfully minute Organs like fmall Feet (not eafily dif-
cern'd even with my belft Glaffes) which by their quick
agitation bring a current of Water from all fides toward
them. But I was never fo fortunate as to fee that motion
in them, which he fays is like that of a Mill wheel ; nor in-
deed can I perceive the poffibility of fuch a Rotation of
any Member in an Animal mechanifm. But I think I can
eafily account for this miftake of Mr L. or rather of his
Painter; for in the fame Water wherein I have feen thefe
Plants and Animalcula, I have obferved a fmall round Crea-
ture, whofe many Legs ftand like radij all bout its Body.
This has a fwift progreffive motion, but will very often
lye ftill (when only you can perceive thofe radij) and then
turn very friftly round like a Wheel, fometimes one way,
and then ftop and turn the other way, without ftiffing an
hairs breadth forward. Now 'tis very probable that one
of thefe might fhew its tricks fo very near to, or among a
Tuft of the other fix'd Animalcula, that it might be very
well taken for part of the fame, and I am very confident
this is matter of Fact.

Thefe Animalcula are fometimes feen loofe, but generally,
they are fix'd in clufters by their Tails to other Bodies, and
perhaps cannot feparate themfelves; and I think it no
mean inftance of Providence, that many kinds of Water
Infects which are fo fix'd, and even fome of which have
but flow and irregular motions, are furnifhed with fuch Or-
gans about their Head, the vibrrion of which, brings a con-
ftant current towards their Mouths, and with that, Food
for their Support, otherwife they would be ftarv'd for
want of Nourifhment.


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