next day I found it in the Water entirely feparated from
the body, and was about one third of the length of the
Parent. The formation of the horns are well figur'd by Mr
L. and they iffue (like radij) not from the extremity, but
quite round a fmall knob, which I take to be the Head.
The Horns have a vermicular motion, and are extended
or fhorten'd both altogether and feverally. The other end
is flat at the extremity, and he often fix'd it (like a Leech)
to the bottom or fide of the Glafs in which I kept him.
He alfo contracts and dilates his body at pleafure, and e-
fpecially, when touch'd or difturb'd, will bring both Body
and Horns into a fmall compafs, and has then the appearance
of Fig. 3, and 4. The Horns are perfectly white, and the
Body yellowifh, and to a naked Eye not eafily difcernable
in the Water, it being when extended no thicker than a
good Horfe-hair.
The fmall Plant mention'd in the fame Tranfact is the
Lens Paluftris or Duck-meat , which floats plentifully on
our Ponds or Ditches. But I muft diffent from Mr L.
where he fays it does nto come originally from the bottom,
for I very well remember that many years finee, the late
W. Ch. Efq; fhew'd me the manner of its fpringing out of
the Mud ; and we often obferv'd, that when the Leaves were
grown to a competent fize, the force of the Water eafily
drew the minute fingle fibr'd Root, and rais'd the Plant to
the furface. I own that the Leaves when floating do con-
tinue to grow, and may be encreas'd after the manner he
mentions, and I have often taken the young Plant which he
pictures out of them. fo that they may be call'd Seeds more
properly than Leaves; and my opinion is, that toward the
end of the year, upon their corruption they fink to the
bottom, and there take root, fo as to continue the fucceffi-
The Animalcula which Mr L. defcribes fricking to the
Root of the Plant I have often obferv'd not only in Wa-
ter Plants, but adhering to the bodies of may forts of
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