1. Two Letters from a Geltleman in the Country, relating
to Mr Leuwenhoeck`s Letter in Tranfaction, No.
283. Communicated by Mr C.
June 21
Dear Sir,
YOurs of the 10th inftant found me at W. where I alfo
met the Tranfact. No. 283. which you felt laft.
Finding fomething in it from MrLeeuwenhoeck I greedily run
it over, and muft own that I was a little mortified to fee in
it an account of a Creature which I thought I had a fort of
Propriety in, and of which I had made a Draught, with a
defign to prefent you and Mr C. with a rarity, which I be-
lieved nobody had met with but my felf. Hoewver,Mr L.'s
Picture of it being fo fmall, I thought my Sketches would
not be unacceptable, becaufe they not only confirm his
account, but may contribute to give you a more perfect
Idea of fo odd an Animal : I found it the beginning of this
Month in fome clear Water, which I took up in a Ditch at
W. in which, with my utmoft attention, I could difcover
no more than this one of the fame kind. Fig. I. reprefents
it in one of the poftures it appear'd the firft day (for it varies
every moment) and the knob at a, which lookt like the
Gut caecum, was fometimes a little more lengthen'd ; two
days after I could perceive two or three white Fibres at the
end of it, and on the fourth day, the Animal lying ftretch'd
at its full length, appear'd as in Fig. II. and I plainfly faw,
that what I thought an excrefcence was a young one, with
6 horns coming out of the fide of the old one, and the
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