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The siege of Tyre. 17

lord of the city, seeing this, was greatly stirred and issued out of the city with 30 fighting men and set up a clamor upon the Macedonians all at once, that all the earth trembled with it all. And when the Macedonians saw a great multitude of folk come upon them, they were right afraid. And then Melagere would have sent a messenger to their lord Alexander, for to come and succor them, but he might find no man that would undertake the message. Then their two battles met Samen and fought together, and there was Sampson slain, and Bertyne. And the Macedonians with the great multitude of their enemys were driven back and like for to be driven back and defeated. Any any of the Greeks, that named Arttes, saying the ill-fortune they stoode in, won him out of the battle and went in all the hast, that he might, call Alexander and told him that the Greeks and the Macedonians were in ready to battle, but if he supplied them the [tittre]. And them Alexander left the seige of Tyre, and went with his host to the valley of Josophat, and found his men right hard beset by their enemys, and beat them down and slayed them, every mother's son. And when he had done so, he turned again unto to Tyre, and found the bastille, that he had made in the sea, hammered down to the ground. For as Alexander was gone from Tyre to the valley of Josaphay, Balan that was lord of the Tyre came out of the city with the people thereof, and assailled the bastille manfully, and took it and tore it down. And when Alexander saw that, he was greatly angered, and his heart was extremely heavy, and so were all the Macedonians and the Greeks. Insomuch that

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