


Status: Complete
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The most learned Egyptians who know of the size of the
earth, the waves of the sea, and the order of the heavens
(betokening the way of the stars and the turning of the
4 skies), have bequeathed these things to the whole world through
the highness and the wisdom of magic knowledge. And they tell
of a king of that land, by name Anectanabus, great in under-
standing, and full of love in astrology and mathematics. Now,
8 upon a day it happened that a messenger came, and said unto
him that Artaxerxes, king of the Persians, was drawing nigh
towards him with a very great force of foes. Yet he did not
call out his army, nor get ready his advance. Instead of this,
12 he hurried into his bed-chambers in his palace, and, taking down
a brazen shell, which was full of rain-water, and holding in his
hand a brazen rod, sought by magic spells to summon the
devils. By which wizardry he felt, in the shell itself, the fleets
16 sailing over him amid fearful affray.

Now there were lords of Anectanabus set in sway over his
armies to guard the Persian border.

And one hapless man coming to him, besought him : ' O
20 most mighty King Anectanabus, there ariseth against thee
Artaxerxes, the king of the Persians, with an untold horde of
foes and strange races. For they are Parthians, Modes, Persians,
Syrians, Mesopotamians, Brapes, Phares, Argiri, Chaldaeans,
24 Bachiri, Confires, Hircanians, and Agiophii, and many other
folks coming from Eastern lands.' On hearing this, Anectanabus
said, sighing : ' The trust that I gave to thee, heed thou right
well ; yet thy prowess hath not been the prowess of a doughty
28 man, but the doings of a cowardly fellow. For worth showeth
itself, not in the greatness of the folk, but in the steadfastness
of their souls. Dost thou not know one lion putteth many

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