


1 - Transcriber

1 - Transcriber

Sir It is with feelings of great regret that I [unclear] that his Excellency the governor had taken such an unfavorable [unclear] of the [unclear] [unclear] Liutenant Marshall

In the third [unclear] you observe that no [unclear] [unclear] seven times the [unclear] have been fired on but these [unclear] [unclear] of They may be it must be remembered how good [unclear] [unclear] in a period of nine months, not in one [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] but with six different [unclear] and at distances of from 50 to 200 miles apart

When Sir Marshall was [unclear] the [unclear] he was not [unclear] as a magistrate and could take no depositions when he could [Unclear] a magistrate to do [unclear] [unclear]

I now send whatever document and affidavit in my [unclear] which can explain why Marshall's conduct. You will [unclear] that in [unclear] to [unclear] in the [unclear] that the warrants were [unclear].

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ana B.
2 - Transcriber

2 - Transcriber

For the apprehension of [unclear], [unclear], you rule [unclear] from [unclear] letter which I have [unclear] So that the guilty parties whose in his [unclear] and from his letters [unclear] that of [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] - Sir [unclear] affidavit [unclear] to show that this hostile [unclear] [unclear] is but the Police and I [unclear] do not know how they could avoid using their [unclear]

This took place 200 miles from here. I now ask [unclear] [unclear] to understand by what [unclear] I need to [unclear] of which inserted were wounded [crossed-out text] [Crossed-out text] [Crossed-out text] - You must [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] [unclear] take place in [unclear] [unclear]

With respect to the deaths of [unclear] [unclear] this [unclear] to inform you that he was accused us with being one of the murder of Edward [unclear], that he was [unclear] [unclear] and [unclear] attempted to escape from his [unclear] the third time. [unclear]

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ana B.
3 - Transkribus + Transcriber

3 - Transkribus + Transcriber

and Write Bay I have come to the conclusion that these taits were tilligrent parties that the Native Police had hem formert for the purpose of putting a stop to these outrages and you here comized to me his Excellency's orders to lase my oure did criticize in doing so

I am fully aware of the difficulty attending the using of measures necessary for such a step without acting illegally and have more than once called your attention to it. I have tim so much trouker by the receipt of your letter that I really do not know how I am to act in future uepenally at Write Bay and the Litsry daes and I hope his Excellency will prome an immediate answers to my letter of -

The lettlers who have suffered so much lip and have intrressed the number of so many of their freets and trse nnt time to pay for the sappent fora strong enough for the emerging naturally expect that the introges of hostile tocts will be put a stop to at once and it is no satisfaction to them If I till them I have no legal power to act. They state with justice that are armed frily of

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ana B.
4 -- Transkribus + Transcriber

4 -- Transkribus + Transcriber

white men would never be allowed by a strong government to commit such fearful depredations and cruelties [unclear] and if the law is defective it requires atteration to merit such an emergency of which this situation is no doubt

I am of spinioe that whiteer me sices may be decided upon to put a stop to these outrages must be put into force at once and with energy, as the result must thaw be the same as has been in the Mauntyne viz: but a stop to Hoodls hul, introduces a letter astess of white servants into District which are ti filled with the most desperate of the population diminish the noges and be of the same trim to the Horks as it has been here by gaining their assumption into the stations where they would be kindly treated under the protection of the Native Police. how a large mure is to their mons o attaining food and pnt theme in bakeries hch as titures pipes and blankets & other clothing of which I never find the sittled suggartly when a district is peaceable -

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ana B.
5 - Transkribus

5 - Transkribus

Nob By Mr Firnt I letter you will pin again that all the rengleadoss were collected toither and he seemes to think that the appriticasion if these partes, who I may mention hast tmntice to mow within tina the would put a stop to all appression for euer I am not ostonishud that these men who kno themselset guitty and who wile bocked by all the Litrroy Doun's Macks should frufer the chance of resisting to surinitericg, home from the Derelt to thete th in the affrary of

to of these unorderers lost their hius utuch ut to be reguelted 10. not fotinite as these men generally make off as sion as they can get their companions into an affray – His Excelling the guiner think iter ilertig eal Cuminy his tim tis wirty bat at I hsil seftent from you citling my intention to the very monerent murcer in Brites a subfit & the extraintinary damage done to poperty by the Blacks in the Mesentyse the Cinluins

the Busitt, and the distruts of illerae 3

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
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