Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 3, Book 6



March 27, 1875 - March 21, 1875

March 27, 1875 - March 21, 1875

1875 March Saturday 27th Ed & Jimmie Sewing oats. Nannie Hilling in garden for Irish potatoes Miss Frankey & Nannie planted early Rose Rows Plowed up garden yesterday Hauled Leaves & Boards too Nannie has been at Jerrys staying with him a week last Thursday, Jacob Graves went up to see Jerry Came by here yesterday & said Jerry was bad yet & swelling under ears very much & better every other way & said Mr Moses would bring my wife home this evening Fri Saturday or Sunday evening & they cant tell hardly weather[whether] will live or die his Jaws are swelling very much very pretty day for March, - Lowry has brought Ben young steer & carried him home last night as pr his obligation for $20. & give me up his other steer & Ben to be mine till he pays the $20- - weather cooler

28 Mr Jos M Moses brought my wife Home about 1 Oclock Mr Moses went back home & was to go to jeres he is better in several respects his Jaws now hurts him & are swelling

29th Raining this morning & colder Nellie has no colt yet. Easter Holliday

30 Raining this morning quite cool heard nothing from Jerry yesterday. Striping Tobacco this morning Nancy Graves Came home with my wife Sunday evening, dont rain much Martin not here Jane Come about 9 or 10 Oclock

31st Striping Tobacco this morning cloudy & like for Rain I expect to go this morning to Divide the Land of Pleasant Lain Decsd Finished Striping Tobacco to day still cloudy & finished & surveying Pleasant Lains Land only have to report to Court Mr H Harvey & myself none of the other Commrd there

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
April 1, 1875 - April 6, 1875

April 1, 1875 - April 6, 1875

1875 April 1st. Edmd Dews draining branch to sew Oates & shrubing for Corn Sent Jimmy to Millers Mill 7 Bushels Wheat for flour & Edmd Corn for Meal, Mr. Wright here to day made shelter by Barn & fixing up mantle piece in Dining Room & then covered Bee House EdmdJimmie got no flour nor meal till Saturday morning

2nd April sent Jimmie up to Jeres to know how he is Edmd plowing Mr Wright at work on Cart shelter finished that & it began to rain, Ed thrashing out oats Mr W quit work about 11 Oclock rained in evening

3rd April Drum of machine Weighs 118 lbs Sent to Mr John H Bailey Lynchb to put new teeth in Looking for M Jacob Lain to Load with tobacco this morning Edmd thrashing oats to sew Jimmie got back last night Jere is very bad yet One Jaw has been opened & the other will have to be opened shortly Lemon & Adams both there yesterday Cloudy & like for Rain Loaded & started & I carried letters to Mr. Jno W Lain roads tremendous bad, Mr JW Lain is to sell & Bring money home they will I expect 4go on to Lynchg tomorrow Monday morning Mr. John W Lain is to have my Tobacco sold & bring money home & leave Drum of Machine at J.H. Baileys to have new teeth put in clear partly day Sunday, I am poorly -

4th Stayed at home I am very poorly all day Sunday & tolerable good day

5 Plowing for Corn Hauled some wood soon the morning Pretty day all day -

6. Ed plowing for corn & Jimmie Geo Wright malling in new ground @ 1/6 pr Hundred - James wright here finshed shelters pretty morning Bro Lacy stayed here all night Sun

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
April 6, 1875 - April 15, 1875

April 6, 1875 - April 15, 1875

1875 April 6th Jeres is better from kates note by Bro. Lacy,- Nellie had a mare colt this this morning, I dont know what by

7th April Ed & Jimmie Sewing Oats to day Nannie Dews Hilling & planting in square next to some Irish Potatoes got from Mr GA Creasey, & Hilling & planted 3 rows of early Roses in square of P[e]ar Tree stands for early use & made place to burn some square to sew cabbage plants

8th. Nannie & myself worked Mobly up to Jeres he is better but very bad off yet. Ed & Jimmie sewing Oats on branch

9th. Ed & Jimmie at same work till near night when got home plowing Tobacco Land by bee house Nannie & me got home before night

10th. April not done sewing Oats yet Plowing up Lot to sew in upper part of it

12th. Hauled up stack fodder out fresh to be weighed of EdmondsRaising Tobacco in new prize Barn Raining all this morning nearly

13th. cleared off this morning - Sent Jimmie to get Palings from Owens new ground Wm gone to Mr Thomas Yates to get him to come & spay shoats - did not

14. I have sent Wm. to Mr C Lains to spay shoats Jimmie gone will both to Plowing Wm gone to Mr Laines Edmd on Road

15th. Ed & Jim Plowing for Oats, Jim did not see Mr. Marshall last evening my Boar at Templetons yet my shoats been up since last Saturday & not altered, I am to go to Mr H Harveys about P Lains land to report went to mr Harveys & we 2 made our report but Mr Word surveyor has not [?] his plat of the Land to Mr Harveys as he promised

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
April 15, 1875 - May 4, 1875

April 15, 1875 - May 4, 1875

1875 April 15th From Mr Harveys I went to Mr Marshalls in the evening & called out & told him about Hogs being in the pen so long and I wanted them marked & altered, altho tired he very tired he fixed up & come home with me & in a little while had all my shoats 8 in number fixed & out in woods & altered 1 for Edmd so small could not spay Them They were to full & Mr Marshall would go back home

16 none of my shoats up in morning Sows up my young not come up Edmond & Jimmie Plowing in lot by Garden for Toba fair clear morning

17th. Plowing for Corn Sunday I was sick all

18. I was sick & did not go from Home

19. Monday Plowing & sewing Oats

20 Edmond Halling up oats that I am to weigh for him cloudy Lowry here to day Plowing for me corn

28 I havebeen sick for a week or Ten days with Eresipala on my my face & Edmd has been Plowing for Corn etc etc some in Garden my shoats has been up this week but 2 missing this morning quite cool & Edmd getting as ground too wet to Plant corn this morning

29th. Plowing for corn at old orchard clear this morning & cool all my hogs but Boar up I am still very poorly tho I can set up

30th. Began to Planting Corn in John’s field to day Fair pretty day- - cloudy for a night

May 1st Planting Corn in Johns’s field Hogs all up – 2 Sunday clear windy day & cool I am still sick – 3 Ed & Jimmie Planting Corn to day Ed Kate Nannie & Jimmie planted the Early Rose & the Peerless Irish Potatoes got of Mr Creasey & got some Cabbage plant this evening Kate is to do that Mr Lacy here this day & heard from our children all better Sallie up yet 4th. Hauling up fodder this morning Plowing for corn to day - Rained last night

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
May 5, 1875 - May 12, 1875

May 5, 1875 - May 12, 1875

1875 May 5 Very cool & windy plowing up shuck pen Lock for cotton broom corn potatoes etc etc

5th. Some frost Pride Hunt & them left here this morning Manuring plant beds today plowing for corn

6th. Plowing for corn. Lowry came this morning to fix ground for corn Helping Jimmie Haul rails in corn field this morning planted cotton broom corn watermellons cuc umbers symblings etc etc - Tomatoe etc gardenin yesterday

7th Ed & Jimmie planting Tis is helping Ed this morning till I get ready then he is to help me plant my corn

8 Edmond fixing & planting corn today Cloudy & like for rain quite cool Nannie and little Nan gone to see Jerry & Sallie & Sallie & Kate this morning dont know when she will return, let her have $5.00

9th Mr Joseph M Moses Came her[e] stayed all night I went to meetings Saturday & Sunday pretty days — wind blows very hard this eve[n]ing — —

10th Monday May Ed plowing for corn on flat land Rained a little shower this morning & 11 or 12 oclock rained a very pretty shower then cleared off very pretty a little cooler

11th. Sent Jimmie to Mr Yates mill corn for me & Ed meal & I sent nearly 1½ Bus wheat for flour Cool night but warm this morning

12 Lowry Tisbel Kate & Nannie Lowry opening my beds to plant corn the others worked in garden till he got ready & they turned in planting corn snapsPeas & simblings & nearly finished planting by 12 oclock, now burning off new ground that has not been tended Ed & Jimmie plowing for corn in lower field Ed helped burn off new ground to day

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
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