Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 3, Book 5



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1874 March 15 Cloudy this morning & not very cold. Nann[?] winds tolerable fast Sallie & Mr Whitehead came down with their children this evening still cloudy -

16th CLoudy & Raining all day long & pt of last night Weather moderate tolerable cold

17th Mr Whitehead & Sallie started home & broke down before they got to the out Side Gate at their own place & Sallie Hurt Nannie & the Baby came b ack & are here now Cleared off very pretty.

18th Jimmie gone to mill Yates carried 4 Bus Corn for our meal 4 Bus for Ed & 2 Bushels for Martin Smith. I let him have all he gets of me he gives me 1 Bushel more on the Barrel than he gets. in gathering & [houseing] time Brot the meal I went to Mr Jno Lains & Plowed my Gray horse he Kicked some but we got him to work tolerable well coltering clear to night Ed plowing with 2 Horses Martin went to Mr Wm. Powers to raise a Barn & I hired Edmond Tucker to go to Mr H. Templeton & paid him this evening to take Eds Dews place as he was complaining — — —

19th Pat Green come to day with Buggy for Sallie & children Ed Dews & Martin took down for me & Packed some [Lugs] nearly 1/2 day Edmd Tucker assorting Kits Crop 1/2 day & finishing it not to get dry 20th Mar. Raining this morning Edmd Tucker & Sam his son [assorting] Miss Martha Neale Cate Dews Hiram Wyatt & [Tom Bishop] striping after them, Ed Dews Martin Smith & Jimmy striping in old [prize] Barn cloudy & like for Rain to night, rather cooler all Entered in little Book

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1874 March 21 Yesterday & today all striping plantation tobacco made by Kit Hubbard same hands we had yesterday & we finished. all on new prize except what is packed down in Barn, Rained Smartly to day 22nd Has not rained any here to day weather moderate Spot one of our cows frolicking again 23 Hauled up stack oats to day 2 Loads Hauled Leaves 2 Loads Hauled Straw I went to Creaseys to day Ed plowing with 2 Horses by his House Jacob P Graves here looks like falling weather Nancy scouring [sealing] bedsteads &C &C &C 24 Sewing oats to day Jimmy & Ed Martin is shrubing I sewed over my Plants Beds today sewed some cabbage & Kale seed also clear day 25 Ed & Jimmy sewing oats Martin shrubing on upper side of Path till evening & then Hauling some wood, begun Cate & did not Haul much I went to Mr Owen hunting 4 Shoats missing ever since yesterday morning Tuesday.-- Windy Cool day-, Mrs Wyatt gone to John Powers to get her show mended this evening 20 Raining this morning went to striping Tobacco Ed & Martin till 10 oclock fixing to Sewing Oats Martin whipping out oats to Sew weather moderate 27th Ed & Jimmy Sewing oats Martin whipped out about 3 or 4 Bushels Spring oats & sewing them this evening Mr John Lain here this morning to see about goung to Lynchg 28th Sewing oats Martin whipped out some oats & then shrubbing for corn I went to Mount Airy after my [colters] Plows & Hilling [Hoe] all the [bro] From H Dillards shop by Mr John Marshall brot home 2 D Plows 1 [colter] & 1 H Hoe left 1 Colter at Creasey come home & went to Mr Lewis & found my 4 Hogs but could not bring them home 29th Sundy Edmd went down on branch & got my Hogs Out & brot [then] them on home very pretty weather clear & moderate

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Jeremiah White Graves Diaries, Volume 3, Book 6,Page 3
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Jeremiah White Graves Diaries, Volume 3, Book 6,Page 3

1874 March 30th Sewing Oats Sewed 27 Bush and 31st Finished sewing this morning before it rained Ed Tucker [assorting] in new prize Barn for Plantation 1/2 day & Ed Dews & Martin Sent to striped this evening. Working my Horse [Davy] [Gray] yesterday & to day before it Rained Plowing for corn 31st Plowing up Patches & corn Land Martin Smith Broke my Double plow [mole] Board Plowing for himself Hauling wood Bro [Reid] came here to day April 1st Raining more or less all day Finished striping Tobacco in new prize Barn Ed & Jimmy striping in old prize Barn Martin not here to day at all Bro [Reed] here yet still cloudy 2nd April Plowing for corn Martin fixing Plows all after 12 oclock him & Jimmy shrubing above road to [Neals] very pretty day cloudy more or less all day 3rd Ed Plowing for corn Martin shrubing for corn & Jimmy I went down to Mr Yates shop & had my Bed pin of waggon Mr Yates fixed it himself cutting it off &C 4th Ed Plowed up my Garden & for corn Martin & Jimmy shrubbing above road for corn on Branch & along fence sewed over plant Bed next to Miss M. Neyls to day & manured the other On John's Branch to day -- 5_ Tolerable moderate weather Holliday 6th pretty morning clear pretty weather 7 Raining this morning striping Tobacco Edmd Tucker assorting & Kate striping back of Garden weather moderate he began to assort 8 or 9 oclock Mr J W Laine has not come yet to start to Lynchg. Rain stop us from Loading this morning

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1874 April 7th [? ?aine] come this evening & we turned in to [Loading] have got ours 8th This morning finished put in ours [near] all that Edmd Dews striped left a little he striped & some Kit Hubbard stripped before [X] some for Edmd Tucker Tucker Mr [Matth???] & Miss Martha Neal [Taken] off Edmd Tucker back of Garden [40 lbs] Tyed up by Ed. Tucker yesterday & sent off Mr Lain started this morning -0 Mr Lain Started & got up to [???] [chg] road & my Cart Ed & Marten Went & took out Miss Neals &C & Mr [Mattherlys] & Carried back home & packed & packed it all down & took nearly all day nearly all day & paid Ed & Martin for their work to day 9th Rained all night & at this morning Ed & Marten striping Tobacco & will try & finish striping to day all [???] have finished striping in barn back of Garden & old prize barn finished there striping but did not quite finish hanging up. We finish in barn back of Garden Hanging up & Packed the lugs in a [bulk] Turned Cooler & Rained hard this evening & to also John W Lain has a rough time of it, 10th Jimmy gone to Yates Mill corn for meal my own 1 Bus. Martins I lent him 2 Bus. [E??] sent 4 Bushels for meal 11 Went to meeting at Strait Saturday & Sundy John W. Lain got back from Lynchg Molly Shoulder Very Sore Sold oats Tobacco very [Low] 13. Ed Plowing Marten Hauling in last stack Oats. Martin cleaning up Corn Land - Dolly got no calf yet a little cloudy 14th Raining this day more or less all day Jimmie went after Doct Estes for Ed's Howard Ed & Martin working on Road to day weather moderate 15 windy morning 15th Cloudy & like for Rain yesterday Ed Dews sent after Doct Estes to come & see his child Howard

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15th April 1874 Bargain made with [?? ?????] and & he refused to come stating his Horse was Plowing & the colored poeple would not Pay him this morning Ed has gone after Doct Haley at Rueville cloudy & like for Rain. Doct Haley come the 1st time to see Howard Ed Dews Son and I am to see the money paid - & wrote to [him] to that effect - Raining more or less all day they are hauling wood when not raining Sewed over our plant Beds this day. If on [??] my wife is Sick & send for Doct Thomas Haley [????] comes here to see us for $2 a visit 6th Eds child Howard Died last night, still cloudy & did rain soon this morning weather moderate 17 Rained every day this week but Monday & I have not seen Martin but one or 2 days & we have only plowed 1 day this week still cloudy & like for falling weather 18th cloudy all & did not rain much I went up to Mr & M Moses & swappted Horse with West Williams from Lynchg Davy Crocket gone & got a Bay mare 6 years old will work any where hitched to Mr Moses Buggy before I came Home worked very well. - 19 At Moses & Jerrys Rained-this Blessed day all day [l???g] Got Nelley about this time 20 I come home did not rain much to day manured the plant Beds & just plaster on Two Sewed some plaster on Clover about this time 21st Clears day pretty weather fencing fresh ps above road going to Miss M Neales till evening then went to raking [Piling] manure in Farm Pen, Dolley had a Heifer calf Milly was Dollys mama I think, sold [Sock] to Sam Calland or Smith weather moderate I fixed my bridle to day 22 Plowing up in old field for Tobacco cloudy & like for rain nearly all day 23 Rained nearly all night last night Branches very full Raised all our Tobacco tolerable high in the Barns to day by 12 oclock Ed & Jimmy Martin Piled up the stalk ready to [h???t] out [paid] up yard fence

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