Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 3, Book 3



March 17, 1872 - March 22, 1872

March 17, 1872 - March 22, 1872

1872 March 17th This is 17 or 18 snows that has falled this Winter & some of were Deep ones this is not more than Inch Deep

18, Sam Mattherly here at work on Granary My Wife Came home Sunday evening Snow all gone Alexander Patrick Came here to Mall rails around Corn field fence & I find him @ 1/6 pr 100, Sam & Tommy & Ben went over on mountain & put up fence where Edmond left off & we put it up 5 rails high & expect to make gate next Thursday & Mr Lewis said he would finish the fence this week

19th Mr Mattherly & Alex here again to day. Tommy gone to Yates after flour I am going Sam & Ben Malling Leaves & Andrew is cleaning up Brot Home flour Bran & seconds 1 Bbl & a ps of flour & Carried a Log in evening --

20th .Tommy & Sam started to Sewing Oats in Johns field, Ben Lewis & Andrew Burning Brush, I went to S. S. Meeting House to Elect a Preacher So windy & cold only about 4 members there & nothing done but give out notice for the Church to meet there on Saturday the 30 day of March to Elect a Preacher or Pastor for 1872 I went from S.S. M H up to Jeres to See about the Legatees Certificates from Lancaster etc. of Richmond got them all & to day delivered Jeres Gudn[Guardian] for Jas D Hunt delrd Geo E. Colemans & his own & Mr D Hunts to him as Gudn & John P Hunts I have for him now & got home about one oclock to day & found them Sewing oats yesterday tremendous Cold & Windy & this morning ground frozen & Very Cold & a little windy

21st Same work as yesterday. Lowry & Alex malling rails here to day --

22nd. Plowing & Sewing oats ground So hard we can hardly Keep on So Frozen this morning Ben Andrew & Lewis Burning Brush to day.

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
March 22, 1872 - March 27, 1872

March 22, 1872 - March 27, 1872

1872 March 22nd Began to Snow in evening and Continues on in the night. Lowry here Plowing Bill Sewed little ps flat this side of John's spring branch this evening by Bridge When Snow was 1 Inch deep Covered the ground & Cut bush to brush in on the other Side of the branch plowed to day Sam Kept on plowing in oats till night Wrote Letter to Dr. Geo B Hill treasurer of Education Society & Sent to him $2 for Richmond Colledge given me by Bro. James Kelley for Education expect to Send that letter to Post Office tomorrow Planting expect to send that letter to Post office tomorrow this evening 221 Hill Early Rose Irish Potatoes Some we raised last yr. & Jacob give us 13 Large fines ones to Plant all planted to day

23rd Snow about 2 inches Deep Broke off & weather moderate Sent Tommy to P.O. Will shell Corn to day - wrote letter to Dr Hill & Sent 2$ for education Recd from James Kelly Snow all gone, nearly shelled corn mended Oat Basket fixed Several little Jobs planted Tomatoes seed in Box Box etc etc etc

24th Tolerble pretty day Stayed at home to day

25th Lowry Came here & went to Plowing with Bill at 12 Oclock it began to Snow fast weather Moderate have 3 little Lambs very pretty. Mashed up Cobbs for Cows to day -after 12 oclock Cold rain till night all the time Lowry quit & went home very bad on Stock

26th Tolerable clear this morning Wind Blew hard last night. stoped raining in night sent Tommy to Mr Woodings to Roll Logs Sam Ben Andrew etc fencing next to Mr Lewis Tobias is to help do up that fence Toby help to do up the fence & they finished the fence & put up the Rails along the cross fence

27 Tommy Halled up Pine Poles for rafters & study of shed went to Sew Oats Sam too. Ben Lewis & Andrew went to cleaning out Cornery of Corn field fence Lowry Malling on Mountain I went to Mount Airy & Jacobs Mattherly here [SKinning?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
March 28, 1872 - April 2, 1872

March 28, 1872 - April 2, 1872

1872 Thursday 28 March Halled Up Sills Plates & Corner Posts & Rocks to go under Shed. Tommy gone to old place after Stack Oats to Sew. Sent 1 Bbl flour to Gus Creasy Mt Airy Lowry malling, flour $8.00.

29th Sewed some Oats after thrashing them this morning the Stack got from Bro. Hunts place got out 10 or 12 Bushels Sam Sewing Oats Andrew & Lewis Cleaning Corners of ps next to Stoney pint. Lowry finished Malling rails round Corn field fence Halled manure for Irish Potatoes & Halled 2 Loads leaves we planted Irish Potatoes by Hog pen & towards Mrs Wyatts evening planted near 1 Bushel etc, Tommy helped Mr Mattherly some to day clear pretty day the Warmest We have had in this month Mr Mattherly has been here to day working on shed --

30th Tommy & Sam Sewing Oats Tommy Plowing for Sam most of this day Ben Andrew & Lewis Cleaning up corner fence next to old Edmonds beyond the Bars put up my Hogs to alter to day Lowry got my Bull & Carried him home to Broke this morning pr agreements.

31st March 1872 This day it rained twice & Thundered & the wind blew hard and some said it hailed a little, Jerry & Mr Moses here Mr Moses Spayed 3 of my Big shoats in field cut & marked the 3 bigest shoats here at house, & Cut & marked all the boars the Sows rather Small to Spay --

April 1st quite cool this morning & Clear Easter Holliday " Martin got Molly & Plows to Plow to day — gives me 2 days work himself

" 2nd Sam finished sewing Oats to day — sewed 11 Bushels in Johns' field I sewed myself 15 Bushels in all not done yet Sam Owes nearly 2 days plowing Sewing out Sam Plowing for Corn Tommy plowing for Irish Potatoes Edmond made Gates & put it up on mountaing & fixed it

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 2, 1872 - April 5, 1872

April 2, 1872 - April 5, 1872

1872 April 2nd Ben went to Mill for me & carried 1 Barrel Corn for meal carried Turn for Sam & Turn for Martin Smith. Andrew & Lewis Cleaning up corners of fence round Corn field on mountain & Did not get done Richard Whitehead here to day, Sam Mattherly here at work on Granary shed, -- my Hogs are doing well Mr Moses altered last Saturday -& fence nearly done on mountain & Gate up Clear beautiful day

3. Plowing for Corn Sam & Tommy Ben Andrew & Lewis shrubbing mountain field. Sam went there to Plow near night

4 Sam Halling rails around Corn field fence by Owens Barn & Bars. Andrew helped him finished by 12 oclock & went to shrubing by Owens Barn him & Lewis Andrew shrubing this side where Oats was stacked -Tommy Coltered Paths in field & Coltered Some Wet Places in end of field above Granary but did get done I let Edmond have some Manure out of my Stable for Hot Bed & let me have about 1 pick Red sweet Potatoes & Frances & me Turned in & made Our Hot Bed & Martha Edmond wifes helped us & we planted them this evening, Bend[Ben] plowing over on mountain, Mattherly here to day to day at work on Shed, pretty day one of my Hogs Spayed with Pigs I think is Dead I have not seen her for 2 days

5. Mr Mattherly Plowing Bill in Corn field for Corn Broke the plow he had to day the handle Tom & Ben throwing down Beds for oats Sewed 5 Bushels next to John's spring got more to sew & Bushel in morning Sam & Lewis & Andrew shrubing for Corn, pretty day rather bad days work for we could not all along brow broke back [indecipherable] band

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 6, 1872 - April 13, 1872

April 6, 1872 - April 13, 1872

6th April 1872 Finished Sewing Oats at last to day shrubing & Plowing for Corn Mr Mattherly Plowing for Corn again to day --

7th Raining this morning & rained nearly all night

8. Monday took down all our Lugs & second rate in Barn back of Garden & old prize barn & Pack them in bulk in old prize barn & then it Rained & we went to Striping in new Barn & till night Helped Mr Mattherly to to Raise shed at Twelve Oclock

9th Tuesday went to Plowing Tommy with Bill Andrew started to Plow with Molley for corn & Sam Plowing for corn finished Mountain field at night it rained several Showers in the evening Jacob P Graves came down in evening & we Set Out Willows Sent here by Fannie Moses in Grave yard, Mattherly at work on shed to day, This day I Turned my hogs in wood Pasture fixed by myself Mr Lewis & Mr Thos Wooding for our use, I had Gate made on mountain I went up to mount airy Mr Creasey paid me for 1 Bbl flour $8Ben & Lewis shrubbing for corn Turned in woods 9 Hogs 4 sows will soon have Pigs the old & 3 youn[g] one, Martin cow down in Pond by Bars towards Edmonds they help her up but she could not Stand up

10th Cool & windy this morning, clear & cool Mattherly here at work on shed all Plowing & cleaning up for Corn

11th. All Plowing for corn & Sam Gilbert started with steers this morning, little cloudy & cool Sam Mattherly here Jointing shingles - for shed,

12 Mattherly here at work on Shed, Shingling all will plow for corn this morning tolerably clear this morning Rained some to day about 12 Oclock& moderate weather

13th Rained in night & this morning, Striping Tobacco in new prize Barn weather moderate

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
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