Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 3, Book 2



January 7, 1870 - January 12, 1870
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January 7, 1870 - January 12, 1870

1870 Jany 7th I went to Wm Shields Mount Airy & carried 1 load for Jacob to Whitehead Store went to shop also & had some work done

8th Jany 1870 I went to meeting S. S. & about 2 oclock, my wife sent after me again Sam gilbert was set to Halling wood & such a fuss raised as he had at Mount Airy when I sent him with the waggon to move Jacob PG up to whitehead Store I came home & all business was stoped watching Sam & my wife & Sallie scared ½ to death, Sallie & her children stayed all night up in sitting room

9th On account of Sams doing yesterday I did not go to meeting, to day - tho Sam appears to be right as far as I can see

10thSam culling in new ground Nannie smartly Complaining Richard fixing to move to Waterloo tomorrow Sam fixing to burn plant Bed in new ground in the morning fine weather the Ditchers are getting along I think rather slowly

11th Richard whitehead moved to day & Sallie are at home to night, Nannie Complaining yet Sam started to burn Plant Bed soon this morning finished burning by night John Keatts at work on house at mountain spring to day daubing & finishing chimney very pretty day. weather moderate

12th I went to Yates Mill Carried 4 Bus. Corn 5 Bus. wheat 2½ Bus Chop stuff for myself got the Corn Meal & chop stuff & 1 Bus meal for Sam Carried also 2 Bus. wheat for Richard whitehead did not get no flour for ourself nor him Sam Hoed up plant Bed to day now ready to sow But a young no horned cow & sook has calves at this time Sewed it & trampled it

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
January 13, 1870 - January 15, 1870
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January 13, 1870 - January 15, 1870

1870 Jany 13th I am here by myself to night John Keatts Carried 1 Log to Millers Mill for my Cart body & brot back plank for the house at Mountain Spring. Sam cutting in new ground Richard Whitehead has four oats stacks & I have four that we made 2 I bot & 1 at home & 1 at Mrs Hunts place Aaron Smith here at work again fixing plows Cart Work last week 5 days @ 4/6 per day weather very moderate for Janry, - Nannie gone to Mrs Colemans to see her as she is sick, Ditchers nearly done

14th Raining this morning a little Mr Keatts gone to Millers Mill after another Load of Plank for house Carried another for Plank for waggon or cart body Sam striping Tobacco not very cold to day - Aaron Smith at work here

15 Mr Keatts gone to Millers Mill after the Balance of Plank Sam striping tobacco part of the day & Richard & Charles Caroline striped awhile in evening Rained nearly all day Nannie did not come home Doran came Mr Keatts at work on the house for him to live in I went to Yates Mill got my flour & Richards got my cart wheels axletree Ironed & 2 Lynchg pins, brot them home, Aaron at on cart steer yoke & Bows etc cart body etc he has been here this week 3 days & 5 last making 8 days, Sam halled rails & fenced in Plant Bed he burnt; Richard striped Tobacco some to day - Raining yet & Nannie not come home yet, - Sent Bet & Calf young cow & calf for Sallie to milk til I want her, Still cloudy & like for rain, Abram Glen finished Ditching & I paid them of last night -

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
January 16, 1870 - January 21, 1870
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January 16, 1870 - January 21, 1870

1870 Jany 16 Cleared off last night & this is a beautiful morning weather very moderate like planting corn time to day Doron gone after Nannie

17 Mrs Wyatt Came here to live with my wife to cook wash iron milk etc this morning. I went to striping Tobacco in little Barn at Richards till 12 oclock Charles did not strip any at all, We fixed Bridge in new ground & cut some Caroline went out this morning Keatts at work & finished this evening Making Door putting up sta[i]r steps finishing laying the floor over head, - etc about night Came up a tremendous cloud Rained very hard till in the night & - Thundered & lightened as Severe as it does in June or July. Thundered very Severe, ended all the Branches up high - - -

18th Mr Keatts got the waggon & is moving to day Sam & Caroline is Cutting in new ground I went to old Place & shop to day & to Lain

19th I staid at Home all day Aaron Smith here at work Sam & Caroline Cutting in new ground Wyatt & Wm cut in new ground for Sam in evening Mr Keatts moving but did not finish Pride Hunt Came here at night Milly is having a Calf this morning. Raining & cloudy this morning

20th Striping Tobacco in barn back of Garden, Mr Keatts began to work to day Millie had a calf last night. Cow calf

21st Mr Keatts finished moving to day & halled up stack oats from mountain field Sam & Caroline Cutting in new ground Hired Lowry to day to work young they worked very well & cart answered very well halled 6 or 7 Loads wood & Halled out some straw in Cow rack got 3 very pretty Lambs, - clear moderate day Richd Hal[l]ed straw & shucks to day - from here my Hogs all good for sometime

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
January 22, 1870 - January 27, 1870
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January 22, 1870 - January 27, 1870

1870 Jany 22nd I went to shop got 1 Dicth Dutch Plow & singletree, no Colter Saml getting slabs for Mr Whitehead in morning in evening I found him & Wm cutting & Caroline & Keatts went to old place fixed agreements with Randol Sam & Charlotte Hodnette & Jorden Graves for 1870 weather cloudy & moderate Nannie has been sick all the week will take some medicine tonight

23rd Moderate day stayed at home Nannie

24th Hung up our meat this morning & fanned out Our wheat & divided it mine in Bbl or Hhd in Toll Corn & bbl. 1 Bbl my own some onions in it & Bags Hh my own make the smallest Hogs - & Box behind door in Granary is Richards, Mr Keatts Plowing with 2 Horses for Tobacco Sam & Caroline in new ground cloudy & moderate weather - could not find my Hogs sold Sam 15 lb Lard Butter Pot & all Pot to be taken & paid in cash Pot to be deducted Lard @ 21¢ per lb

25th Striping tobacco over next to Mr Keatts owens Barn. Rained nearly all night last night Lowry gone to Barn the striped in owens barn

26th Sam & Wyatt got Boards for Mr Whitehead nearly all this day, they cut a little while in evening Mr Keatts & Carolene cut nearly all day. - I went to Mill for Mr Keatts Carried ½ Bbl & ½ Bbl wheat for him I let him have I also carried 1 Bushel wheat for Mr Wyatt, & brot back from Mt Airy 1 Box & 4 flour Barrels Bot of Jacobs P. Graves 40¢ for flour bbls & 2/3 for Box making 77½ Cents owe to Jacob Beautifull weather found all my hogs but 2 one of which is my Boar Large size from moses Sow but they went off again

27 Sam & Wyatt Cutting in new ground & Caroline Mr Keatts Plowing 2 Horses in Lot for Tobacco cloudy & moderate weather Doron went to shop brot home 1 plow Hoe Dutch Colter lap ring Br[lost in margin] Knife & clevice[clevis] pen

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
January 28, 1870 - March 8, 1870
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January 28, 1870 - March 8, 1870

1870 Jany 28th Halled wood waggon cart till 12 oclock then went to calling all hands steers worked very well still Cloudy & cool

29th Raining this morning striping Tobacco in little Barn at Water Loo Weather very moderate, 4 lambs to this day & 3 calves Bet a cow calf of Millys Sooks a Bull my shoats 5 of them come up this morning

30th Stayed at home Keatts not here to feed weather moderate

31st Mr Keatts halling leaves Caroline & Ben helping him Sam cutting in new ground None of my Hogs up this morning

Feby 1st Cutting in new ground Rained Wind Blew hard & turned cooler wind NW & NE - to day - I went to shop left 3 harrow teeth there to pint

2. 3. 4th Cutting on new ground & for Plant Bed on Road, I went to Mrs Colemans Fannies Kates & Jerrys old place Creasys etc

5 Cloudy & cooler Burnt & sewed plant Bed on road to Straitstone yesterday to day Cutting wood & finishing cutting in new ground nearly Sam halling wood Cloudy & like for rain or snow, Mrs Wyatt sick Spitting Blood & gone home this evening - Mr Keatts still cutting

6th Snowing in about all day weather not very cold

7th Striping Tobacco to day Doron started to school to Mr Fitzgerald

8 Snowing finished striping tobacco at Owens Barn to day & went to Barn back of Garden Hired Nath Smith of his Father Frederick gave $12 for him & to clothe him

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
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