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Memorandum of days [Hounlains?] worked
here beginning on The 25th Aug Monday 1856
Saturday Aug. 30th. Worked every day This week Come
Monday about 9. it rained one or two days a little
making I think about 5 1/2 days $18 per hour 5 1/2 days
getting shingles all this [week?]

Sept 2 Tuesday come again to work
- 6 worked til 12 Oclock Saturday making 4 1/2 days. 4 1/2-
- 8th at work this morning - & worked til in shop
- 13 worked this week 5 3/4 days it rained one day
(in right margin) 5/34 days
-16 Came again to work this morning.
-18 Worked 1 day this week _ _ _ . . 2-

Oct 20th Began this morning at work on Barn
Paid him sometime ago $10- -
25 worked 5 days This week on Barn --- 6
28 - [Mr. ?] ate here this day -

Nov 1st worked [all?] Saturday after Dinner
[?] over nearly 5 days nearly

Nov 3 Came again worked very little
this day 1 or 2 hours & left - -
-5 Cleared off & [Mr.] ate at work -
-7 worked [say?] little over 3 days & I
just count it 3 as it was not quite 5. [above] days
(in right margin) 3.
(in right margin) [3 / 3/4]

Nov 17th Mr. [ & Mr ?] all came to work a little before 12 Oclock
on Monday
-22 Worked 4 1/2 days This week a little over 4 1/2
-24 Came to work this morning
-25 worked 1 day Monday & [till?] 10 Oclock Tuesday [& stoped?]
-being a little over 1 1/4 days
(in right margin) 1 1/4
-26 [illegible] here
-27 came & worked all day ..... 1
[gap] nearly them rained & they stopped -
[illegible] Mr. [?] left This morning, still raining
[illegible] this morning to work, worked this day - 1-
[illegible] fast & left it was raining all day
[illegible] morning [?] off
[illegible] this day....
(in right margin) 2 -
[illegible] days 41 1/2

Notes and Questions

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Ben W. Brumfield

Could the name be "Fountain"?