Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 22



[Doctor visits: May 30 1861 - February 13, 1862; Stock list: June 4, 1861- January, 1862]
Page Status Transcribed

[Doctor visits: May 30 1861 - February 13, 1862; Stock list: June 4, 1861- January, 1862]

1861 May 30 th The number of times I have sent for Doctors not paid for to this day. Doct. Wooding went to see Nancy for Bro Hunts Estate & Charles Allen for Mr. Moseley's Estate my children this year Doct Andrew W Thompson has been at Bro. Hunts place to see Betsy once & to my plantation to see Malissa once, & Doct Perrowpaid has pd an account pd. agst Bro Hunts Est for Nancy at Wallers last year 1860. Sent this day for Doct Thompson for Jno D Hunts Est. to see Gren sick =

Augt. 31 Doct. Wooding has been 5 or 6 times to see Ellis Catherines child - 3 or 4 times man & child gets worse. Died 1 st Sept. 1861 Ellis Wooding has been here to see Rhoda & Sally 3 times & he gave Sally at old place & recommended her to take bitters he also examined old Billy-

16 th Doct. Wooding called here this day to see Sally, as he was attending onBybee

1862Feby 13 th been Twice to see Mrs Hunt & put Bills arm in place at Christmas, & overseer says nothas been right, he hurt it to day & sent him up there today Joe went after some tincture for his finger yesterday Doct Wooding came here to see clem - he could not Put Bills arm in place to day.

List of my Stock etc

1861 June 4th Gone all day, nearly day as 1862a Police, after Austen Riely & got him carrd hime to Wm Johns who bound him to piece.

1862 Jany 8 th. We have 2 old sows here & 3 young ones 2 old ones & Black one young has 18 pigs 1 young yearly Hog & 1 Boar & 1 stock Hog in pen making in all 26 head here, We have at Aspen Grove [obscured] Sows 3 of them has 19 Pigs. 1 in the woods got [obscured] dont How many 16 Yearling Hogs there 2 [obscured] at house, 38 sheep in all 15 head [obscured] 6 Mules. mth. Jenny 25 Geese [obscured] yoke [sl] 3 Cows. 2 or 3 yearling [obscured] Plantation May 1862

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
[Hogs killed 1860; meat hung 1861; accounts with Jordan December 19, 1861 - March 11, 1862]
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[Hogs killed 1860; meat hung 1861; accounts with Jordan December 19, 1861 - March 11, 1862]

1860 December memorandum of hogs killed here. this fall December near Christmas

my own kill at Aspen Grove dec 20 1860 1 hog weighing 129 1 do. doe 225

Last edit about 4 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
[Pork shipments: January 21, 1861 - March? 1862]
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[Pork shipments: January 21, 1861 - March? 1862]

1861 Janry 21th Sent by Pallison 14 Pork first of the meat used, Heads livers all gone $ 14lb say this day 26th Janry 14.lb

Date Entry Pounds Date 2 Entry 2 Pounds 2 Notes
Feby 2. Sent by Jordan 14
" 9 Sent by Pal 14.
" 16 Sent by Do 14
" 23 Sent by Do 14
March 2 Weighed Out 30lb at Plantation for 2 weeks
" 16. Weighed & sent 14. Rolled logs this day at Aspen Grove
" 23rd " 14 30th Mar. Sent by Pal. 12 1/2lb
April 6 Sent by Pal. 12½ 13 April Sent by Jordan 13lb
20. Sent by Pal 12½ 27 " Sent by Pal 12.
May 4 Sent by Pal 12½ 11 May Sent by Pal. 12 1/2
18. Sent by Pal 11½ 25 " Sent by Pal. 11.
June 1 Sent by Pal 11½ June 8 Sent by Pal 12
-- 15 Sent by Pal 12. -- 22 Sent by Pal 11
-- 29 Sent by Pal 11½ July 11 Sent by Pal 10 [poss. "19"]
July 13 Sent by Pal 11½ " 20 Sent by Do 11
-- 27 Sent by Do 11½ Aug 3. Sent by Do 11.
Augt 10 Sent by Do. 11 1/2 17. Sent by Do. 11.
24th. Sent by Do 11. Sepr 1 Sent by Do. 11.
5 Sepr 5 Sent this morning to Thrash wheat Do 9.
10 Sent by Pall to to last till next Saturday 8.
14th Sent by Pal 11 -- 21st. Sent by Pal. 11
28. Sent by Pal. 10 Oct 5. Sent by Pal. 11
Oct. 12. Sent by Pal. 11 -- 19. Sent by Pal. 11.
" 26. Sent -- Pal 10. Novr 2 Sent by Pal & some lamb 6.
Novr. 12. Sent " " 10. The negroes have had Beef Since the 12 Novr & Lamb __ 19th Dec. now fresh meat
1862 Janry 4th Pal got meat today, 8 Febry 18 1862 had Bacon & Beef 15lb.
Febry 15th got Bacon 15lb 22 " got 14lb Bacon
Mar 1 got Pal 14lb Mar. 8. got 14 Do__
Mar 15 --Jordan-- got 14 -- 22. Sent 13. Do by Pal.

[illegible] Buck at 1400 Aprl 5. Sent by 14 Do Buck

[illegible] [Lowry?] 13. " 19. Sent by Jordan 1400

[illegible] [Lowry?] 14. May 3. Sent by Lowry 14

[illegible] 14. -- 17. Sent by Jordan 14

[illegible] -- 30. Sent by Lowry. 13

[illegible] [Jordan?] 14. Sent 21[ea?] 1300 by Jordan

[On right side of page, from bottom to top, is written, "Carried to another place back of book"]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
[Meat shipments: November 20, 1859 - August 5, 1860]
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[Meat shipments: November 20, 1859 - August 5, 1860]

1859 Novr. 20 th Sent by Buck some Beef & some Bacon Sandy & Fed. here at Shoemaking 30. Given Negroes at Plantation awfull of 3 Hogs & 2 Goats for this week Decr 4 Given Negroes 1 Hoghead Livers Kidneys Mittsfor the week 12 Given Negroes 4 Livers Sweet Breads Kidneys & 1 HhdHead for this week & sent by Buck 4½ Pork for Cothran balance due here 19 Given Negroes 3 Hogs heads 1 Liver & ps back bone 26 given negroes some Heads & orphal this week 1860 Janry 2 nd Given Negroes 4 Hogsheads & 1 ps Bacon this week 7 Given Negoes meat by Jerry this week 15 Given them 13 lb meat shoulder & Jole

Date Note Amount
21 Sent by Pallison 11lb pounds -
28 Sent by Pallison 11 "
Feby 4 Sent by Pallison 12 "
11 Sent by Pallison 11 "
18 Sent by Pal - 10½
25 Sent by Pallison 11 -
Mar. 4 Sent by Pal - 12 "
11 Sent by Pal - 11 "
17 Sent by Do - 11
23 Sent or given out down there 11
30 Sent by Pal - 12
Aprl 7 Sent by Pal - 12
14 Sent by Pal - 12
22 Sent by Pal - 14
28 Sent by Buck 14
May 5. Sent by Pal 12
" 12 Sent by Pal 11
- 19 Sent by Henry 10
- 24 Sent by me 11
June 4 Sent by Pal 10
- 9 Sent by Pall - 10
16 Sent by Pal - 11
- 23 Sent by Do. 10
- 30 Sent by Do - 11
July 7 Sent by Do - 10
- 14 Sent by Do - 10
- 21 Sent by Do 10
-28 Sent by Do - 11
Augt 4 Sent by myself [remainder of line damaged]
Last edit almost 4 years ago by fransalman
[Accounts with "my Henry": May 21, 1859 - December 1860]
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[Accounts with "my Henry": May 21, 1859 - December 1860]

My Henry brott forward - Debits Debits Brot forward including every thing to this 21st May $6.00

Date Note Amount
1859 May 21 This sum due Henry 7.46
May 21st By [Amt Credits?] Brot forward of every thing including Tobacco is 13.46
1859 May 21 By Balance due Henry this day pr settlement 7.46
July 25 By 5 not got yet - @ 9d. 8.08
" " To cash paid you this day 5.00
Due Henry 25th July 1859 3.08
1859 Oct 19th To cash paid Mrs L. at Clements for you 3.-00
Decr 12th To 1/2 Bushel Wheat 3/9
17 Cash for wheat in pt 1/6
1860 May 20 To Cash lent you in Lynchg $2.00
- - By cash Recd for your Lugs $ 0.90
- 29th To cash paid Jerry for you 1/6.
Augt To cash given you when going to Lynchg. 3/-
Oct 17 To 1 sell Knives & forks 50 c
- 1 Countirpane took at Mr Hunts sale 75 c
Dec. 20 17lb Pork @ 84 c $ 1.40
" Cr By Cash of you [$?] 7.00
- 22 2 1/2 yds Cloth for little Henry @ 46 c.
[word illegible] settled up to this day 25th Decr 1860 [Document damaged, several words missing] [Bus]hel Wheat 3/9 Henry Washington owes 57 c [...]s put in my Lug Hhd here @ 2 50[] $3.50 [...]paid you in Lynchg $2.00 [...carrd toward your...]
Last edit almost 4 years ago by Sara Carlstead Brumfield
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