Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 16



September 27, 1862 - October 10, 1862
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September 27, 1862 - October 10, 1862

1862 Sept 27th. We have finished pulling fodder [?ept] new ground, next to Whiteheads Cutting tops & shocking them to day. Stacking fodder put up 6 here & 1 on branch, & will put up more there to night. they brot my boar from plantation to day & some crab apples -

Oct 2nd. Since 27th we have cut tops cut Tobacco stilling etc Halled fodder from plantation Mr Dejarnette here this week making Molasses mill [all?] this week for Fannie Kate & Stanley

3 Stilling Pulling new ground fodder

4. Doubled Brandy for old Stanley & he refused to give toll agreeable to bargain & I took $15 which was merely talked off, settled rather than have a fuss with him & give him my opinion Mr Dejarnett did not get Done his work Jerry still quite bad off, had Perrow 3 times & Estes 4 times to this day - 4th Oct 1862 6th here to day

7th. I am stilling for self & Mr Hunts Estate wormed & succored over our Tobacco stacked new ground fodder, Mr Dejarnett finished yesterday Molasses mill & gone clear dry weather Firing prize Barn Tobacco Hesters Mule Colt folded 1st or 2nd Oct Inst. Sallie Ben sick to day & has a bad finger

8th. Put up Top Stack to day finished Cutting Tops. I am stilling & went to Plantation

9th. I am stilling, fixing Vaughans water Gate on Creek gathering Peas & Snap Beans Clear & dry & Hot Doct Perrger Perrow here yesterday

10th Raining this morning getting out flax seed, - 11 Raining nearly all this day – firing Tobacco baling out flax seed cloudy & like for Rain this morning Jerry a little better - & Ben too –

Last edit 4 months ago by Sara Carlstead Brumfield
October 13, 1862 - October 29, 1862
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October 13, 1862 - October 29, 1862

13th. Raining a little all day getting wood Shelling Corn Stilling etc —

14th. Doubling for myself made 25 or 30 Gal Brandy Sent to Mill Twice yesterday Thrashed out our Rye. getting wood. Sent for Doct Perrow could not get him to come & see Sally Ben, Doct Estes Came this evening to see her - right sick

17th Estes here again to day Cutting Tobacco making molasses since 13th. Stilling for Estate & to day been to Mrs Hubbard to appra[ise] Her Estate left by by Husband — clear & fine weather, Jerry mending

21st. Doct Estes Came to see Ben again this yesterday Sunday - I went to the CH cut down Broom Corn & Sugar Kane Mr Bybee Cut spayed & marked 23 shoats here. put up 18 18 in Lot to fatten & 4 in pen I went to Plantations & they are sewing wheat. finished Lot by Garden. We are cutting down & Picking up Corn on Creek Bill ran away with me hitched to Buggy but did not hurt any thing Mr Jas W Harris hitched his mare & Brot the Buggy & Leather home from Faris s Mill -

24th Sewed wheat in Lot yesterday ¬& to day Halling corn off creek, to day I went to Steptoes & Mrs Fitzgeralds yesterday

25th. Halling Corn off creek. Cutting & piling Gather Peas & Snaps & Halled wood making molasses here to day for old place

29th. I have been 2½ days taking last of [negores?] in 7th magisterial District. Kates Horse Logan Dead. Cutting & malling wood & sowing wheat here since Monday clear cool weather Dug our Sweet Potatoes day – Mr Bybee Cut marked Shoats at aspen Grove this eve[ni]ng put up 18 in pen 2 at House 21 Shoats

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
October 30, 1862 - November 10, 1862
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October 30, 1862 - November 10, 1862

30 Oct 1862 I have been to aspen Grove again to day & they are sowing wheat there. put up 18 Hogs there Turn out 21 pigs or shoats, 4 old Sows, Sent Jacob 1 white sow to day, Doct Perrow Came here this evening to see Elvira with sore throat & I paid him $15 for DR Hunt of Richmond for DoctoringJohn

31st. Dug Irish Potatoes, finishing halling up corn on Creek Sowing wheat on Creek began this morning - sowed little fresh ground on road.

5 Novr. 1862 I have been engaged at CH 2 about negroes We have finished sewing wheat on Creek now Sewing at old House place Rained all day yesterday quite cold Dug all our Sweet & Irish Potatoes Mr Roland Came here to shoe make at 75 cents a day began Wednesday morning [this day?] Sandy began Tuesday morning.

6th Halled wood fallowing for Rye spread flax etc etc Sent Henry to Millers mill yesterday 1 [stack?] 5 Bushels wheat for flour & 1 Bus for me, -

7. Finished sewing wheat I went to old place

8 pulling off corn put in old granary 5 Barrels out of new ground for hogs planted onions in Garden etc etc I went to meeting ——

9th Went to meeting, Sallie went to Bethel

10th Pulling off Corn went to old place after apples for children Carrd one of my Barrels for Cider to Still next spring. Hester calf & Jenny down on Creek, Bob Wyatt Kelly Thom Fannces Jack & Monroes Edmd started to Richmond this morning – – –

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
November 11, 1862 - November 28, 1862
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November 11, 1862 - November 28, 1862

Nov. 11th.Stilled some to day shucking corn Went over to old place after apples

12 went to plantation to measure Corn measured up 27½ Bbls Corn good upwards of 5 Barrels nubbins, - shucking corn here to day –

13th I went to Mr Hubbards Sale Bot 5 old wheels Irons Hubs 1 old Plow & Box old Irons for $9.50 pd

14 Housing Corn put 32 Bbls good corn 5 Barrels Short Corn to day making 37[½?]

15. Stayed at home Sick did not get to Court ¬– this day

16. Sick at home rained last night put away our Greens cleaned out stables

17 I am stilling for Est. getting up Corn Bot. of Mrs Smith for $3½ one Bus. Bowens wheat & Sowed in Lot the wheat good badly cleaned full of [chick>][cockl?]

18 & 19 & 20th. Raining & cloudy We are cutting & malling wood when not raining & spining.

21st up to 26th Shucking corn & finished & housed made 76½ good at aspen Grove 55 here & 15 or 20 Barrels short at both places making about 911 at aspen Grove & about 70 here in all making Mr Hunts negroes shoes here Jacob & Henry –¬ quite cold to day.

28th. We have finished housing corn here Halling wood. Jacob & Henry here making their own shoes last Monday to day - Henry & Smith went to Plantation to day to Raise overseers House ¬ Turn Stock in stack field yesterday

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
November 29, 1862 - December 13, 1862
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November 29, 1862 - December 13, 1862

1862 Novr 29th give out my negroes Shoes here Big Henry claiborne little Henry Smith Milly Ann Sallie Ben, Elvira Clem & Raymond Lila, – at plantation sent by Buck Melissa, Jordes Sandy Lowry Bucks Kittys ¬– 6 & 9 makes 15 pair -

30th I staid at home Sunday –

Decr 1. 1862 Fixed my Hog pen & put all my hogs here to day up in a close pen 19 & 2 shoats here & 21 at aspen Grove I finished stilling Estates Lowmas to day except new Cider at old place

2. Cutting & Halling wood began to Plow Lot - I went to Mrs Dews to day –

3rd been at Mrs Dews 3 days Dividing Land Killed some Hogs here to day, & Plowed some Rained a little to day –

4th. Stilled for Est. to day made about 21 Gals brandy shrubing in Lot & Plowing, Jerry went to Planta tion to day & Chumbly moved this day. Jerry then went to Joseph Yates & paid off Mrs Hunts acct.

5 Jerry & Henry & Claiborne went to Plantation

6 Kill our Hogs except for overseer & this day its raining very disagreeable day

10. I have been to Court House after salt etc. Halling Rails, wood. Killed Hogs at plan tation etc Shrubing - here & there, - been down to Mr Dews to day – – –

11. 12 & 13th. Went to Dews Sale Plantation moved Wm T Morefield to Plantation yesterday the 12th. moved clem to day & brot Kitty here. Miss Mary Faris came here to weave Thursday - 11th about 11 or 12 Oclock. ¬ We are fencing & Plowing at this time Meeting at S. Stone.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
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