Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 14



July 1, 1862 - August 3, 1862
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July 1, 1862 - August 3, 1862

6. 7. 8. 9th July 1862Laying by our Corn with Hoes & Plows & weeding Tobacco This morning pulling flax & Cutting Oats Began to Cut oats & Pull up our flax to day –

10. Cutting Oats up here & at Vaughans to day Very Hot weather at this time

11 Raining Began to Lay by Corn again clem in house, sewing, doing but little. claiborne & Smith gone to Kates Moses to save her Oats Rained nearly all day long

12 fine Rain replanting Tobacco & then & Corn etcPlowing Garden Sewed Peas by Bars this day –

17th has been Laying by Corn this week I have been to Danville to carry negroes from 7 magisterial District as agent for Government to Danville to go to Richmond,

18th Raining all day Shelling Corn etc etc

19 Replanting Tobacco, & Plowing on Creek & finished choping Corn on branches at home

21. Choping Corn on Creek to day & Plowing & PotatoesTobacco

22nd Plowing Tobacco & Plowing negroes corn Hilling up Sweet Potatoes I went to Court Sunday ev[en]ing Homeback Monday

25. Plowing new ground Corn chopping & also sugar Kane Peas Plowing & sewing Turnip Patch. Carrying away Tobacco to Riceville 2 Days, 3 of our cattle has Dyed lately —

[2]6 Halled up wheat at home & halling oats to day at home Chip Coleman started back to army at Richmond this morning

28: 29 Getting up wheat & oats & finished choping new ground, corn,

31 July sent to Mr B. Nowlin by Ben 22 lbs wools to Card into Rolls for me to Lynchg, sent Lard & Vinegar of Estates to R H Garrett to sell.

Augt 1st This has been a day with me of business shelling corn for Government at Plantation & Mr Hunts place & settling with Mrs Harriet Hodnett about steer they over Heat it & Died in her employ she Referes A D Worsham chose by her Mr C Gilbert & James P Lewis by me Dedced Decided that she pay $30 for the Same & she & Father agreed to abide their decision – Hilling up Tobacco & Cotton at this time

2nd Same work & Plowing young Corn on branches

3rd. Raining to day moderate. Child Born last night a Girl named

Last edit over 3 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
August 4, 1862 - August 26, 1862
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August 4, 1862 - August 26, 1862

1862 augt 4th Finished Plowing Corn Plowing & Hilling up Tobacco in fresh ground Hot weather Cutting out clothes at old Place

5. Finished Plowing Tobacco & Garden & Finished up Our Fresh ground Tobacco. Sewed Turnip in Tobacco & Garden, - fair Hot weather

6th. Halling Rocks for chimney & sand - to day Rained in evening pretty hard. - -

7th augt. Halling Sand all day Sent 3 Horses to Mrs Miller nailing 3 pr shoes 2 new pair one on Fill & one on Bill before[front legs] carried one oak Log to Mr Millers mill.

8th Halling Bricks for chimney to day claborne my Boy & Henry of the Est. of Jno D Hunts gone to Salt. work, to Cut wood for Salt. Mr John Word Manager for us all17 hands gone

9th. Toping worming & succoring Tobacco - to day Covering Plant with Brush putting up fence at new ground took Bees last night Small turn out, Hot weather

11th. John Clark came here to work on chimney Taking down tobacco this morning fine Rain last evening - ground wet enough Sent John Hodnett by Girl 56 bags for Government

12 Sent Jas Kelly 25 - prizing Tobacco, John Clark last ½ the day nearly for Rain this evening

13th. my wife & sallie went to see Fannie & Kate I went to strait stone to see about [sm?ing] wheat Mr Dejarnett about apple mill & then to Plantation & Post office & then home Prizing our Tobacco Topping worming & succoring Tobacco to

14 Prizing Tobacco making fence around Granary. worming & toping over –

15th. Nobody met but 3 to drive mountain for runaway went over Corn, went to Pannills quarter 2 Mr Harry to get hands to work on road tomorrow.

22nd. got up & Beet some apples. wormed over & succoring & topping Tobacco now rained last evening & Sal & me got caught last night after dark in a Rain

23rd. I went to old Place to see Crop, Miss S McCullock gone this evening, beeting apples to day

24 Finishing prizing Tobacco mending waggon tonight Beeting apples, one of my hogs come home this morning Beeting apples, - I went to Plantation & P.O –

252625 We are cutting down weeds, working on road this morning fine Rain yesterday Sunday –

26th. John Clark commenced again this morning went to Plantation got sheep - corn sheller [shattered?] Co[rn] etc from there carried Wyatt’s tools home & my Boar

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
August 27, 1862 - September 26, 1862
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August 27, 1862 - September 26, 1862

1862 augt 27th Sent to CH 2 Bbls vinegar 4 Butters Pots & 1 Bucket Lard. & 1 sheep & gone after salt. worming & succoring Tobacco to day –

28th worming & succoring over & Topping Tobacco Finishing worming & succoring Tobacco to day worming & succoring Tobacco in part to day Mr Dejarnett Came last ev[en]ing to make apple mill

31st. Sunday Nannie went to new Bethel to meeting

Monday Sept 1st. SeptI fixed up my waggon & self & Mr Hunts Ests waggon started to Lynchg meat wheat.

Sept 2 & 3 I gone to Lynchg broke our waggon wheel all the Smash Coming home, Carried over Bacon for myself Mrs Whitehead Fannie & Kate got salt, & sold Bacon, got 7 Bus. to divide out

6th Stilling to day - Mr Dejarnett finished apple Mill in about 4 days at my House after the Rollers were Turned & he pays for them – began to Pull fodder Tying up fodder this evening clear dry weather

7 I stayed at home balance went to Mrs Colemans

8. I was stilling & Grinding apples. & Pulling fodder

9th. Carrd my waggons to Yates to fix up & my bridle bit. Grinding apples I went to Mrs Whiteheads & aspen Grove & chumbly gone, wish to thrash wheat tomorrow tyed up fodder this evening in Lot.

10 Finished machining wheat at aspen Grove to day & carried machine to Hunts Estate raining a little to night.

17 Have been to Court thrashing wheat at Plantation & Mr Hunts place, pulling & saving fodder stilling gathering Peas etc this evening grinding apples tying up fodder fixing to stack fodder machine Come to day to thrash wheat here

22 been Pulling fodder Cutting tops to thrashed wheat here & finished, fine day for it.

23rd Pulling fodder on Creek, Fannie & Kate sent their Cider & I still one still full to day, fine clear weather at this time

24th Pulling on Creek & will finished Halling up 2 stacks fodder from Creek to day. Sent 2½ Bus Corn to Mill for Miss Mary Faris

26 Sold Mrs Hunts property to day stilling for Mr Stanly to day & tomorrow 27th Jerry & Jacob got home - the 24th Sept 1862

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
Log of Doctors' Visits
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Log of Doctors' Visits

1862 Feby 19th. Doct. Wooding came here last Sunday to see clem & here again to day, making 3 times to see clem & Twice to see Mrs Hunt

March 88. Doct. Wooding come to day to see Milley Ann 11th. Doct W. Came again to see Mill Ann & Charles Allen, 14th Wooding Came again

16th. Came again. 18th Came again to day to see Charles

19th. Came again to see charles. 21st Came again to see Charles

23. Came again to see Charles, 25. Came here to day –

26. Came again & went to Plantation to See Pal, too,

27. Came again at home, 28. Came again & I sent for 28 Doct Loud Barksdale for Doct wooding to come & see our sick. Mary & Pal. Particular. he came & wooding & myself went with Doct Barksdale back to Plantation, to see Pal. both bad cases Jacob P Graves came here at night from Court House & took his leave of us & starts for the army next Tuesday we are Plowing up Garden Cotton & Potatoe Patch

29th Planted Irish Potatoes by Kitchen, bob at work on Garden to day –

30th Came again, wooding - April 1st. wooding here

april 2nd wooding again, - 3rd wooding here –

" 4th Doct Perrow came to see Raymond; at night.

" 6 Doct P came again 9th. Came again –

" 12. Do Came again to See Raymond. 14th Perrow came again

" 16- Do came again to See Do 19. Do again

- 23 Do Came again - settled with Perrow

25 June 1862 Doct Estes came to day to see Pride,

28 " D " Came this day again to see Pride. settled

Sept 26 Wooding Came to see Jerry once

- 29 Doct Perrow & Estes here to see him Doct wooding promised to come again but did not come Doct Estes was to see Jerry 4or 5 times & Perrow 4 or 5 times - I dont know which

Oct 21. Estes has ben here 2 times to See Ben

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
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