April 14, 1861 - April 24, 1861



Status: Indexed

Went to Meeting pretty day Mr H went
Mr Moses & Kate Came here last night, -

15th working on Road to day & Hilling
I went to court Rained before got back

16th Raining this morning, cutting wood
in woods after morning, dont rain much
Cut down Pines in evening to stop Gulleys

17th ground too wet to do any thing with
Cutting down Pines in field next to
Capt Whiteheads for another year,
I am going to Plantation to day

18. Hilling Halling out manure & Coltering
in new ground, took up Bybees Sweet
Potatoes Sweet Seed,

19th this morning taking up balance
Sweet Potatoe Seed, working on Carriage
House & Coltering & Hilling etc

20 Planted Sweet Potatoe Patch, Seed Keep
prime, & Irish too, Coltering in fresh ground &
Hilling in new ground, claiborne halling
out manure, very cool Sal & me & Doran went
to Fannies yesterday & to Mr worshams & vaughans
& mrs Hunt went up to Kates & Mr Moses

22nd Began to Plant Corn down below
new Barn, claiborne & Smith Halling out
Manure, little Henry & Clem Hilling in
new ground, I planted Snaps myself
& Simblings fine day Planted ps Corn by Shop

23rd Nannie & all going to Mrs Colemans
I am going to Chalk Level Laying off
for corn & expect to Plant on to dayChick Corn ^ Halling
& Coltering in new ground to day –

24 Planting Corn to day & finished Chick Corn
I went to Mr Pannills, & Settled up with Geo.

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First line: there's no clue as to who "Mr H" is.