November 29, 1860 - December 4, 1860



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29th Novr Fine morning, Set out Marmosa
Tree in Yard this morning - Cutting in
new ground next to Plant Bed -

30. Halling wood cutting wood, I am stilling

Decr. 1st. went after Mrs Hunts Corn, got
Barrels, bot Oats 3000 lbs Tom Templeton for
Mrs Hunt @ 3/- pr Hundred, settled with them
about Tobacco made 1859 for Mrs Hunt
give out my negroes meat at aspen
21 lbs Beef - they are not quite done
Shucking Corn,- going to measure next
Tuesday - cool weather snowed to day
fast for awhile - Windy -

2nd Stayed at home read to negroes -

3rd give Mr Bybee 1.25 for tollage to Lynchg
with wheat & Memo for Tomb stones for Mr
& Mrs Hunt
s Graves cost $15. a ps $30 to get
10 Galls Black Mo. 5 for me & 5 for Est.
to bring my wifes Bonnet, & 6 & give him
Mr B $15. to get 8 Bottles Acitus morpia &
1 lb Calcined magnesia - Bills etc
Put up my Hogs here 13 Killed Two
& got 2 House House making 17 in all
here to Kill got 12 at aspen Grove in pen
39 Pigs there & 4 sows, Cutt & marked here
7 Large Pigs & 9 Small ones making 16.
3 Sows out 1 Boar & 1 not got up yet
has been at Mr Hunts place
Bot of Mr James P Lewis 3 ps
Bacon midlings 1 for myself weighing
12½ lb 2 lb for John D Hunts Est weighing
27 lbs, not pd for this 4th Decr 1860 but
will pay shortly,- got the Bacon in Oct. 18
3 4 Halling rails here to day & Cutting -
I went to as aspen Grove measuring corn
measured up to day 50 Bbls in corn House &

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Line 20: Reference to Mr and Mrs Hunt presumably refers to Capt John Hunt, not JD Hunt.