October 11, 1860 - October 22, 1860



Status: Indexed

11th Oct Housing Tobacco firing etc -

12 Sale of Mr Hunts Hunts Household property Same work Cool weathering

13. Rained & Mrs Hunts Land went to meeting etc

14 Mr Moses Baptisedgave an ExperienceRaining all day
& Baptised Sunday all came here
Saturday night Sunday Raining all day

15 I went to Court firing Tobacco Cutting
down & Plowing for wheat —

16th. delivered property to day not done

17. gathering apples Halled furniture from
Mr Hunts place, shrubing Halling wood

18 Halling wood Halled up our old
Blade fodder & 1 stack Oats & 1 Load leaves
Malled up some wood & I went to aspen
, cloudy nearly all Capt clements
Buried here this evening

19th Raining this morning & very cold
got out Peas firing Tobacco & making
Baskets & Jobing about got our
apples in Granary yesterday or day before
Diging [H] in Barn to put up apples

20. Raining again putting up Irish Potatoes
& apples to day in cellar & Barn. Sent to
Mill this morning checking stables
Let Buck Jerry Smith Lila Jordan & Lowry
have Soles Buck & Lowry Caps firing Tobacco

21st stayed at home all day nannie went
to Mrs Colemans, tolerable day

22. Began to sew wheat Digging
Sweet Potatoes etc I went to see Edd
Mr Bybee has put up Sweet Potatoe seed
& also the Estate of J D Hunt If they
Keep I am to have seed from Mr Bybee
We ran 3 Plows to day charley Plows well

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Line 22: I have researched many sources for genealogy records for the Clement families mentioned by JWG but I cannot find any record of a female dying in 1860.