July 10, 1860 - July 16, 1860



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1860 July 10th Mrs Hargrave went home yesterday
Bob here this morning at work Just finished
cutting Oats this morning soon, Jerrys has been
gone without my Knowledge ever since Sunday
evening Hilling up new ground Tobacco
Henry & Harry Plowing young corn
this evening — windy & drying to day

11th Raised Our Prize shed this morning Mr
helped me about it Hilling up new
ground Tobacco - Ben with Henry & Sent claiborne
to work for Ben, very dry & Hot to day

12th Hilling up Tobacco & working on Prize
shed, Ben here & Bob stays at old Place
to day -- very cool & Cool & cloudy

13th yesterday I went to shields mount airy Josh
Pillcows Dawsons Lanes & my aspen
Plantation, etc - quite dry & cool
this morning, send a Log to Millers for
sheeting & 4 Bushels wheat for fine flour
& 1 Bushel wheat to grind for me & to
bring it all back & Palings & sheeting
for prize shed — still cool & dry —
only collected AJ Lewis Bond yesterday

14 went to aspen Grove brot wool Plank
Honey Brandy etc etc home Finished hilling
up Sweet Potatoes working Garden etc &
gave negroes Holiday Bob has work at
Mr Hunts Place & Ben here on prize shed
etc for several days. Kate & Mr Moses
came here, James Hunt came last night

15th Here to day went to Mrs Colemans
in evening clear Dry & Hot

16th JD Hunt & myself went to Court in my buggy
Our folks stoped Hog Holes around Corn field
etc & began to stack oats worked Charly

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Line 19: It's possible that "Lane" is a misspelling of Mr Lain; I assume "Pillcow" refers to a surname.

Ben W. Brumfield

I've seen "Lane" and "Laine" and "Lain" alternate frequently. The property immediately southeast of the (modern) Aspen Grove is known as "the old Lane place", so the Lain family may have been JWG's neighbors.