Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 12



April 2, 1856 - April 9, 1856
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April 2, 1856 - April 9, 1856

2th april 1856 Plowing for Corn Set Log Heaps on fire in evening Rained very good Rain

3rd Striped Tobacco till evening then it cleared off & we went to Plowing Hilling etc I went with Mr Pannill & Hunt to see & inquire about Wm Vaughan Beautiful weather at this time

4 Plowing for Corn Hilling & Halling out leaves & begun to Colter in new ground to day this day Sewed Guano on Slope next to new ground next to woods from old meadow Fine weather, –

5 Coltering Second years Land malling wood Hilling same Burning Logs etc Plowing for Corn very good weather – Jordan gone to mill 2 turns Card & bring back 4 etc Jacob gone to Meadsville

6th clear pretty day tolerable Cool, Jerry found a Lamb in the woods this day or yesterday –

6 Hilling Coltering new ground & second yrs Land burnint up all our Log to day Plowing for Corn Jacob went to Meadsville

7th Clementina taken Sick yesterday fine weather or day before, - Plowing Hilling etc etc

8th Plowing for corn Hilling Second yrs ground & coltering Sent little Henry for Doct Thomson to see clementina she has been sick since last Saturday let Abram Crews have 3 Bus Oats & I am to have ½ he makes - etc wrote to Fanny White today She has sent me 1 Bushel Corn

9th Hilling in second years ground Coltering on Johns Branch breaking up corn ground coltering in new ground, - fine weather — Plowing on Johns fresh ground, - Doct Thompson came to day to see clem, first time, Doct Thompson came 2nd time to see clem, she is very sick Plowing Balance Tobacco Lot, Hilling & Plowing got out Rye yesterday Hilling Plowing on Corn [water stain] for Tobacco etc etc to day

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 11, 1856 - April 15, 1856
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April 11, 1856 - April 15, 1856

1856 Friday 11th Breaking up Balance of Lot for Toba Henry Bedding on Branch for Corn finished Coltering this morning on branch & Jordan got over new ground one way & began to Crop Dry & windy - tolerable moderate, Doct Thompson come 3rd time to see clem = 12th Sent Lowry to Mr Neals to Plow further Sandy Bedding flat Land on Johns branch Henry coltering & laying off fresh ground Balance Hilling in fresh ground clem Sick yet give Pal a dose Physic& windy clear

13 Croping new ground Beding on Branch coltering and Hilling fresh ground I went to the trial of Colo Smiths warrant against Mitchell & Templeton, Clem yet very sick & Pal complaining

13 13 Doct Thompson has been 4 times to see clem Sent 2 Letters by him to PO one to Capt Boxley & one to Cobbs of Lynchg Jerry & Jacob gone to Fannies dry & weathermoderate

14 Went to help Crews Roll his Logs Abram gone from home Coltering & Hilling at Second years ground Jordan gone to Coltering in new ground crossing after we come from crews, Sandy Harrowing Corn Land fine weather except & Cooldry Finished coltering & Laying off Second yrs Land Laying off Corn Land on Johns Branch

15 Laying off corn ground & will try & begin to Plant Kitty taken sick this morning clem Just Jerry Smith & Pal both Laid up, Doct T. was not by yesterday moderate dry weather – Doct Thompson came again to day this is 5th Planted oregon Peas at [water stains] this time & Pepper at Plan [water stains]

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 16, 1856 - April 21, 1856
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April 16, 1856 - April 21, 1856

16th cloudy this day & like for Rain, we are planting Corn for part of Johns’s field Kity still in house Jerry Smith better & Pal too, - Clem is mending slowly, Planted Snaps in On Johns s branch & Pea Patch Planted yesterday Simblings etc etc, Doct Thompson come to day making 6 times to see Clem, Rained a little sprinkle to day

17th Planting Corn in Johns s field to day A light sprinkle rain last night moderate weather

18th Fine morning Planting corn to day I want to go to Riceville got 2 Pigs from Fannies last Sunday Jordan & Sandy brot home them Clem & Pal getting Better Kitty & Jerry Smith is better — Went to Riceville etc 19th Did not get done Johns’s field Planting Corn finishing this morning except flat Land & fresh ground at stony point Sandy gone there to Plowing for Corn, Jordan Coltering in new ground Henry Bedding on spring Branch,- Balance gone to Hilling in fresh ground Doct T has been 6 times to see clem & she is mending slowly & so is Pal. —— Rained in evening began to Hill in new to dayground

20th cloudy this morning Sent for Doct Thomp= =son to see clem, making 7 times If he comes

21st went to Court & fix & Sent James McCullocks Decd Bond Due Jer. McCullocks Decd Est to AV McKee Troy mo to Collect for $420 due 1st March 1840 — Plowing on Branch & Coltering & Hilling in new ground Sandy Plowing at Stony point for Corn In evening & about Rained & Snowed Smartly & quite a cold day Clem getting better Kitty & Jerry Smith Still sick Fannie [water stain] a day or Two ago.

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 22, 1856 - May 1, 1856
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April 22, 1856 - May 1, 1856

1856 april 22nd Sent to Mill yesterday & got 3 Turns meal & sent 2 Turns to mill, Raining this morning Shelling Corn, working on baskets etc etc

23 Striping Tobacco — Rained in evening

24 Halled Tobacco from mountain & striped all day - F. W. came here ––

25 Hilling in new ground & halling wood Cut & spayed 13 15 markedaltered shoats clear this morning Doct Thompson came again I went to Riceville Lowry taken sick, clem better Fanny Pall sick & Jerry Smith Bedding Cotton ground & Potatoes Planted Irish & Sweet got 1 Bushel from Mr Anderson of the Nansemond

26. Planting Potatoes & Corn at stony point etc Hester folded a mule Colt this day about night Just went 1 year to a day quite Cool this morning — —

27 Doct Thompson here making 8 in all or times

28th Coltering & Hilling in new ground, Henry & Sandy Plowing at stony point - cloudy & like for Rain clem & Pal getting Better Lowry Fannie & Jere Smith still complaining

29th Plowing & Harrowing & Bedding on Branch for Corn. Jordan Coltering in new ground Balance Hilling in new ground – fine weather I think the negroes that were sick is mending Manured Plant Beds about this time,-

30 Finished Planting Corn on Branch this morning Planted Snaps & Pumpkins Finished yesterday Coltering new Hilling at new ground fine clear day Jordan Henry Sandy & Buck Halling out [water stain] in Lot back of Garden

May 1st Striping Tobacco Raing this day - 2 Carried 1 Land Lugs & short Tobacco to Riceville

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
May 3, 1856 - May 10, 1856
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May 3, 1856 - May 10, 1856

3 May 1856 Sent to Mill 3 Turns Corn for meal Henry Halling wood & halling out manure Hilling in new ground, Lowry very sick

3rd Clem & Pal & Fanny & Jerry Smith getting better Fine weather for every thing – — Sent Sallie to Mr Moseley - got an answer from Post Master in Georgia about ED Johns Teller for money Sent him, but no Recd yet Last 3 or 4 shoats from spaying & another Black Sow missing 2 days may be she is Dead Too, – – – – – Doct Thompson came again to see Lowry very sick making 9 or 10 times in all this time or spring

4 My wife & Jerry went to Mr Jno Hunts Jacob went to Greenfield Rained a little

5. Planted Cotton Irish Potatoes etc & then halled Out manure Doct Thompson came this morning - to see Lowry - who is getting better Striped Tobacco in morning

6th Raining this morning striping Tobacco from middle Barn – – –

7th Rained last night Striping Tobacco this morning Turned Steers & Fillmore in Pasture Fed making Jacob a pair of shoes Jordan Complaining balance getting better

8th Finished striping old prize House & done Striping all but House back of Garden & fresh ground barn & mountain Spring Barn - quite Cool Halling Out manure Hilling & want to plant cabbage plants this evening or tomorrow

9th Halled out manure halled wood & Hilled in new ground, changeable weath I went to Miss S. McCullocks & Mr Faris but done nothing

10 Will Finish Halling new ground this evening & then will Plant Collard Plants in Garden

Last edit over 3 years ago by fransalman
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