Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 11



Notes on Logs 1855-1856
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Notes on Logs 1855-1856

1855 Augt 25th Sent 3. large Logs to Mr E Dews Saw Mill to day - 2 for weather boarding & 1 for Sheeting plank 2 . 12 feet long & 1 Bigest 14 feet – Sent by waggon Jordan carried 2 small ones 10 feet long 1 short sheeting one for square Edge plank - making 5 logs in all

Oct. Sent 2 to Yates saw mill one for square edged Plank Inch thick Sent to Yates 4 more Logs. 6 in all –

10th Sent one Log for sheeting to Ezekiel Dews saw mill & got 150 feet square edged Plank

15 Sent another Log to mr Dews & got 150 or 60 feet Bark Edged sheeting

29th Sent 2 more Logs to Yates Saw mill for Granary Shed floors for meal & flour

3rd Decr Cart Card one more for Hhd staves waggon Carrd 2 more logs for Yates one Long & 1 short last Thursday The one Carrd this morning to be sawed into Scantling 3 by 4 for Tobacco House – – making 13 logs up to this time - 4th waggon carried 2 long logs for Rafters etc for Tobacco. Cart Carried 2 for making weather boarding making 17. at Yates & 7 or 9 at Dews

5th Sent 2 more this morning 1 for Rafters for tobacco House one for weather boarding

Feby 22 Carrd this week to Yates 4 Large Hart Logs for Paling Railings for garden

March 6 Burnt Plant Bed & sewed it on Road pt of it without burning, lower end, with Guano alone, Plowing, & Covering all my Beds with Brush at this time,

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
May 1, 1855
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May 1, 1855

1855 May 1st I have this day Sold my Crop of Tobacco 2 Hhds Lugs prized made 1854 except a little parcel Sold Separately at the Factory to Thomas W. Anderson for 8½$ all round except the little parcel the Two Lugs Hhds prized I have delrd & am to have the weights when sold by Mr Anderson in Richd in a few days Delired the 2 Lugs Hhds weighing by 3rd May 185[5] 1 Hhd weighing 1055 lbs 1 Do - Do 2050 lbs @$8½ $174.25 the little parcel upwards of 30 lbs got $1.52 which is pd

also pd me For Henrys & Jordans parcels $2.08 for Henry 2.28 for Jordan

1855may 7 Delrd to T. W. Anderson 1368 lbs Tobacco pRecd @$8½ 116.28 29th Delrd to Do Do 1348 lbs " pRecd @ 8½ 114.58 June 6th delrd last to Do 1061 " " $405.11 this day @$8½ 90.18 Bond On Demd this 6th June $495.29 === 1855 for - 495.29

Memorandum wheat used of Crop made 1855 2 Bushels for ourselves Settled & tolle paid 2 Bushels let Mr Evans have Sent 4½ Bu

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
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