July 18, 1855 - August 5, 1855
Jacob started to Meadsville to to School, Weather dry & Hot, we laid by our Corn about this time Plowing & Hilling up Our Tobacco Henry has been sick nearly a week & several of Our family – nearly got every thing clean about this time
say 26th Fine Rain yesterday. I was at Mrs McC. settling withem them went to Court House last week & got my accts settled by Comm Banks & it took nearly 12 Hours Halled up Our Oats this week, turn Out very well 5 stacks at mountain & nearly 5 at stony pint worked out our Branch Tobacco Potatoes Cotton etc etc this week fine weather about this time,
Plowing & Hilling up Tobacco at stony pint Killed Lamb etc etc at this time
28th Fine shower Rain this evening Finished Hilling up Tobacco at Stony pint Hilling up fresh ground & lot & Plowing it,– fine weather Mrs wooding etc etc here to day
30 Henry & Jordan Hewing sills for Corn house balance hilling up Lot by stable, Sandy Plowed at Mr Neals ps up this day cleaned out Ice house hot dry weather –
31– Hilling up our new ground Henry gone to Lynchg for Capt Stephen Clement I find myself he gives me $8– for the hhds If it weighs over 1200 lbs grows he is to pay 3/9 a hundred four all over, carried a parcel for one of capt clements negroes to pay 3/9 pr 100 lbs
5 Two or Three Showers of Rain the Past week & a fine Rain to day, choped in Corn got timbers for Corn house etc top our Tobacco yesterday – Henry got back Thursday
August 5, 1855 - August 11, 1855
Johnson is very Sick Doct Thompson has been to See me once for bleeding at nose & Johnson once very Sickly times about & good many Dying with Typhoid Fever etc etc – Fine growing weather at this time Lost Our bull sometiming lost at Capt Fitzgeralds plantation – got a letter from Jacob to day – Fine Rain this evening & to night
6th Plowing up Turnip Patch expect to sew it to day Put 3 Basket fulls of Guano on it Firing Plank cleaning out wheat yard sawing off Corn House Logs etc etc
7th working Out Johns branch Tobacco hand weeding etc sawing shingles clocks - cloudy & like for Rain —
8th Henry arnold & Bro. at work this morning @9/- pr day - on my granary shed etc worming Lot Tobacco this morning choping Tobacco on John’s branch, halling up Timbers for Corn house barn sho[e] making makers shop etc etc –
9th cloudy & like for Rain Henry & Jordan Halling up Timbers for Granary & Tobacco House sewing Turnip Land On Johns s Branch yesterday choping Corn this side of Branch Towards Orchard
10 Rained in evening, worked out Lot Tobacco, Toping new ground in evening
11 Tobacco Toping in new ground & Johns Branch Finishing Hilling up Lot– like for Rain, –– went to John D Hunts & Capt Clements to day to see about machine Plowing & Hilling up 3rd years land next to Orchard, did not quite get down with Ho[lost in margin]
August 11, 1855 - August 23, 1855
1855 Augt 11th Lila taken sick about 9 or 10 oclock in night, of this day — child a Girl Born to night —
13th Toping Tobacco this morning 3 hands Balance worming & Hilling up fresh ground above house – –
14th worming & succoring Tobacco Henry halled up ps for Granary & then got up a load of apples from stony pint Rained this evening, ground very wet & as seasonable for Corn Turnips etc as ever I saw worming Tobacco at stony pint etc.
15 Rained in evening Henry Raised Granary Shed Jesse Arnold not come yet from hunting Jenny Lind Sewed Turnips over again machine come in evening Mr Evans begun to Ditch Henry arnold began to get shingles
16th in morning of Blocks sawed in wood Beeting apples for Vinegar etc –– worming new ground Tobacco but not done stop to attend to machine––
17 Finished machining wheat about 12 ocl Jesse Arnold not come yet - fine weather Sent machine home in evening & went to worming & succoring new ground
18th Killed Lamb worming & succoring Tobacco Jesse arnold Came last night Friday with Jenny Lind, & both of them will work ½ day to day Saturday
20 wormed Toped & succored Tobacco over Mr Evans Came again to day to Ditch
21st H. & J arnold getting shingles this morning
22 H & J A getting shingles Henry & Sandy etc Sawing shingles Blocks Fed Cutting pla[nk?] for barn Balance Grubing cloudy & damp & I am unwelle at this time — Bettie Hunt & children are here at this time
23rd Rained last evening & night weather warm Covering Plant Beds Halling up Shingles
August 23, 1855 - September 24, 1855
H & Jesse pulling rafters on shed to Granary - this morning
24th worming & succoring Tobacco till 10 Oclock & went to Grubbing & cutting Mrs Mary Moseley Died wednesday evening 22nd day of augt & buried at Mr Jno D Hunts on Friday 24th Aug 1855
25 Halling Log to Mill Yates saw mill this morning waggon & Cart
Sept 2nd went to association at Sandy Creek MH near Milton, this week, We were while I was gone Ditching toping worming & succoring Tobacco & Shrubing Corn Land
3rd Toping worming & succoring Tobacco this morning & then to pulling fodder Jerry is Sick Dr Tho mpson been to see him Twice & Johnson 2 times & me once, - Sent to mill 8 bushels Corn for meal & get 2 Bags 4 Bus. there ground last week Henry got Shingles one or 2 days
13th From the 1st of this month we have been attending to Tobacco pulling fodder Cutting Tops Mr Evans Ditching etc etc I went over to Bolletot school gone 4 days don't like the Country at all Jacob here a day or Two ago to see us & get his cloth to make his winter clothes James M Fitzgerald gone to Springs we are gathering in Our Blades Stacking etc etc worming & succoring Tobacco
24th Cutting Tobacco last week part of week, stacked all our Blade fodder wormed & succored over tobacco I went to meeting at Strait Stone till wednesday & then I was taken sick & have been ever since Mr Fitzgerald has returned Springs no better from
October 8, 1855 - November 10, 1855
1855 Oct 1st Smart Frost last night & [illegible?] & Finished stacking Tops to Day & Cutting Tobacco yesterday Sunday we had to Cut Filled & Cured 3 Houses with nearly 5 Thousand stacks in them lost 2 of our Cattle & 2 more sick with distemper
11 Finished Housing Tobacco & Hanging this day Firing tobacco shining Bull Died in my field, fixing to Raise shoe makers shop & corn House & cutting wood at Barn etc
12th went to see Mr Fitzgerald & Riceville this day yesterday Election for Commr Atto. quite cool this morning Did not rain last night after we thought it would
23 been to Lynchg Sold wheat for $1.95 got Ton Guano from Richmond got Sugar molasses & Carpet[?] etc Cutting & Stacking Corn Raised corn House Rose one of our milch cows Died yesterday sewing wheat Just commenced etc Mr Evans came yesterday to finish ditching went to see Bro. Dews last Sunday
24 Rained to day began to strip Tobacco in new prize Barn, Fed making my wife a pair of shoes etc —
Novr 3rd 1855 Quite warm cloudy weather Firing Tobacco not quite done Sewing wheat.- sewed Tobacco Land above house not quite finished that ps Cutting down & halling stacks Right side path by middle barn for wheat got up the Corn this week –
10 Finished Seeding wheat getting out Cotton Shoemaking Cutting Stalks Sent yesterday to Yates mill 8 Bus corn for meal & 6 Bus wheat for flour & got home 1 Bus meal