Memo of stripping in new barn; School attendance; Recipe for Brandy Peaches



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Memorandum of strippping in new barn near House

Day Lugs Lugs (lbs) Lugs (sticks) Short Short (lbs) Short (sticks) Good Good (lbs) Good (sticks)
1st Lugs 90lb 34 Sticks short 42lb 20 sticks Good 153lb 66
2 " 107 38 " " 43 22 - 146 60
3 " 65 20 sticks Short 25 12 sticks good 129 35 st.
- - 25 9 - (not stripped) - 18 8
4 - 136 44 - Short. 62lb 34 sticks - 234 93
5 140 49 short 69- 34 " 2493 96
6 - 96 32 Short 44 22
In new ground Barn began to Strip 29th Feby 1850
1st day 12lb 46 Lugs. Short 31lb 20lbsticks, good 135lb 64 Sticks
2 " 100 Lugs Short 50.
223 put in new Barn

Brot from New ground Barn &put in new Barn
42 Sticks: short 70lb. good 320lb. sticks lugs carried
from new ground Barn card to prize Barn &
put 89 sticks good in prize Barn from middle Barn

1850 April 1st Memorandum of
Cates & [???? Jacob] going to school to Mrs Wa[lkus]

Receipt to make Brandy Peaches, Peal the Peaches
& Cover them in Brandy let them in Brandy about
about 24 hours take them out. & take 1lb of [new]
sugar or Honey to 1lb of the Peaches put them together
in a Brass Kettle &stew them till the Peaches
are soft enough to Stick a straw to the Kernel
then take them out & put them in a Boiler Pot.
Then put in the Pot 2 measures of Sirup to one
of the Brandy you took the Peaches out of &
so on till you git as much as you have
Brandy or sirup if you wish, put in a little [spree]

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