Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 5



January 14, 1848-January 30, 1848
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January 14, 1848-January 30, 1848

1848 Jany 14th Sent 1 Log 10 feet long for Hhds staves & also 3 Bushels wheat for flour, & after 3 Bags meal & 1 chop for cows Burnt last night cutting in new ground Jerry Smith on his hands etc etc.

15 Finished Cutting little growth in Small new ground this day - cloudy

16 Raining nearly all day this day

17 Cutting big growth on side Path going to Kings place - cold & cloudy

18. cutting in Ditto ———

19 Cutting & Halling wood Sent Henry Monday 17th to Mr Hunts for Iron to put on waggon wheels,

20th Cutting wood to burn plant Beds above our House & gone after waggon at shop weather Cold but fair, N my D. gone to MrsColeman

21 & 22nd Burnt & finished plant Bed above House, Largest one

23rd Beautiful day Sunday

24 Cutting up old Logs in new ground began to mall, treading out Buck wheat, cloudy & like for Rain 4 of our sows has 22 Pigs this day

25 cloudy this morning, sent Henry to mill with 20 Logs, Balance striping Tobacco sent 3 Bbl corn 2½ Bus. Buck wheat & ½ Bus for Homminy Finished striping new ground Barn done all but prize Barn - wood etc

28 Halling leaves & malling, piling

29. Malling, piling wood & Plowing weather windy & moderate

30 cloudy & cold - like for Rain or Snow.

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
January 31, 1848 - February 8, 1848
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January 31, 1848 - February 8, 1848

1848 Jany 31 Began to prize Lugs weather moderate, piling wood & malling, Jacob starts to School Lila Sick about the 20th Jany last Inst. Dew had a Bull calf 2 weeks ago Poll had a cow calf last night

Febr 1st Beautiful clear day, for winter prizing Our Lugs malling cutting old Logs & Halling wood last very stormy & Rainy a little & cooler this morning

2nd Halling Rails at stony point. cutting old Logs in new ground & fencing - cloudy & like for R. or S. in 10 or 15days we have 2 young calves & 27 pigs - all look well —

3rd Sent Henry to mill 1 Log & 1 Bbl Corn for meal & sent $1 to pay Doct Miller what I Owe him & 9¢ to have band put on hind hounds of waggon, the Log is for Hhd Heading

4 Striping Tobacco in prize Barn Burnt little plant abed above on branchHouse to this day sent 4 Logs to mill & Recd 28 ps 2 staves in ps & 4 plank for Heading

5 Cutting big growth in little new ground Turned cold & windy - Our Black sow which had 5 pigs cant walk weakness in loins the

6 this morning very cold & windy - have 26th pigs at this time, Bet had her calve few days ago. Now have 3 young calves clear weather,

7. Still cold & windy finished Cutting little new ground, malling, -

8th Snowed a little last night went to Uncle Jerrys last evening. Striping Tobacco. weather cold yet.

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
February 9 1848 - February 25, 1848
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February 9 1848 - February 25, 1848

9th A Fine clear moderate day Halling wood malling etc.

10th Sent 2 hands to Mr Lewis to Roll Logs. fine morning. burning brush malling & fencing etc etc.

11 cloudy malling etc. Lower ground

12 Snowed last night striping Tobacco

13 pretty day a little cloudy

14 Rained a little finished malling little new ground & Rolled Logs

15 Burning Log Heaps. Cloudy

16. Made up new ground fence the small one Logs Heaps burnt up striping Tobacco Hhd about full cloudy & Rainy foggy for 2 days malling in big new ground

17 Took down all our Tobacco & striping

18. Sent 2 Bbls corn & 1 Large Log to saw mill for staves.

19. Striping Tobacco this time -

20th moderate weather I am sick about chicken Pocks here & bad Colds -

21 went to Court a fine day malling & shrubing for corn

22 Striping Tobacco & Raining

23 broke off this morning beautifully. Halling wood & malling

24 Striping Tobacco Raining & snowing this day. weather cold

25. Snowing a little this morning Finishing striping Our Tobacco this morning Fed shoemaking one Hhd Lugs ready to turn out several 100 lbs besides

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
February 26, 1848 - March 9, 1848
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February 26, 1848 - March 9, 1848

1848 Feby 26th gone to mill ½ Bbl Buck wheat & 2 Logs 1 for square Edged Plank the other for Railing 2½ by 3 Inches.

27 Fair day & good weather for winter my wife gone to Mrs Hunts etc etc

28 fencing Halling Rails at stony point

29 Rolled Logs Plowing & Raking leaves in little new ground,

March 1st finished Rolling Logs with our own force & began new ground fence

2nd This morning snowing, spining etc Snowed all day, its now 4 or 5deepInches very disagreeable weather indeed

3rd Halled up stack Oats this day & seed Oats a few days past - spining & shellingcorn Hail & snow about 8 or 9 Inches Deep

4 Treading out2 stacksseed Oats to day Fed shoemaking. Lila & Jane spining Sent 2 Horses to shop to be shod new shoes before old ones nailed on behind Fair day & moderate weather snow melted but little yet, my wife been sick with toothacke|tooth]] nearly all weekache etc. took Physic this morning

5 Cold & windy snow melts slow Bled Malissa this morning

6 Sent Henry to Rice for molasses, Jane & Lila spining. Fed shoemaking ann spining. fine day over head

7. Burning Log in big new ground fine day over head very sloppy.

8 Burning Log Heaps & halling wood

9 Raining this morning spining & doing but little, - very wet about this time,

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
March 10-24, 1848
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March 10-24, 1848

1848 March 10 Cleared off this morning Halling wood & leaves & burning Log Heaps cool weather, - no Oats seeded yet. Snow & Hail nearly gone Sent Henry to mill 1 Log to be ¾ square edged plank 2 Turns corn & 1 of wheat & to get 1 Turn chop been there for sometime

11. fencing raking & burning leaves

12 fine day but very windy - fire got out of our new ground no damage this day

13. Plowing Cleaning up new ground

14. Plowing etc 15 began at 12 oclock 15. to colter little new ground 2 [cotters?] also to sew Oats in Johns field

16 Collering in new ground cutting down corn stalks, ground hard frozen, sewing Oats from 12 oclock again, fair & Cold weather

17 began to make Tobacco Hills crossing little new ground & Oats sewing

18 sewing Oats Hilling & crossing new ground weather more moderate sewed all my plant Beds over this morning ———

19. cloudy & Raining a little,

20 Started to Lynchg & had a wet time of it sold sold Lugs for $3.50 Hilling all time we were gone

23 returned being gone 4 days

24 Hilling & Plowing to day cloudy & like for Rain

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
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