Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 1, Part 4



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Henry & Jesse Arnolds work brot from opposite side ----- $16.37 1855 H & Jesse Arnold at work this day worked 2 or 3 hours also this morning & quit. 50 -------- 16.87 Cash let you have pRect $5.00. Cash Pd you pRect 10.00 Due Henry Arnold -- $6.87

1855 Decemb 5 To cash paid Henry Arnold in full as pr Rect this day ---------- $6.87

Last edit 5 months ago by Sara Carlstead Brumfield
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Henry Arnolds work Brot forward this side.

1855 Wednesday 24th Mr H. Arnold & Bro. came Settled about 3 oclock & worked about 2 hours a ps before night

25th Both at work again this morning. worked this day to self & bro-----

27th H. Arnold & Bro. J worked 3 days & 2 Hours a ps this week-----------

30 Jany H. & J. Arnold came to work between 11 & 12 oclock to day on prizes ----- _____ Settled ________

1855 August 8th Henry Arnold & his Bro. Jesse set in to work for me this morning at $1.50 pr day for both - or $1.00 for Henry & 3/- for Jesse.

1855 Aug 8th worked all day -- 2 days each - $3.00 ---- 10. Rained in evening lost 1 or 2 hours. ---- 11. Henry all day. Jesse ½ day this day. 1.25 ---- 13th. Henry here this morning - Rained awhile in evening. lost 1 or 2 hours 87 Jesse lost my mare & come about ½ after 4 oclock to work. 13 worked between 2 & 3 hours after rain

14th Henry worked to day Rained in evening nearly two hours. Jesse left soon in the 75.- morning to hunt Jenny [lend?] --

15 Henry at work. Jesse not come yet. Worked. .87 - this day except 1 or 2 hours raining.

16th. Henry at work getting shingles all day. 1.00 -

- 17. Henry Arnold at work getting shingles all day 1.00 -

- 18. Henry & Jesse arnold getting shingles till 12" to day .75 -

" cash let you have pRect $5.00

21 Henry & Jesse arnold getting Shingles . . . 1.50 -

22. Do Do Do getting shingles rained after 12 oclock 3 or 4 hours. 1.00 -

23rd H. & Jesse Arnold at work. Rained awhile . . 1.25 -

24. H & Jesse arnold shingling to day 1.50 -

25. H & Jesse Arnold at work on shed, Granary. 1.5 -------- 16.37

Last edit about 4 years ago by wilsonsrsa
186 [August 9 - September 19 1853]
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186 [August 9 - September 19 1853]

1853 Tuesday 9th Mr Kirby brot his tools this evening J W Lipscomb began to work at believe 4 or five oclock, in evening 2 1/2 hours this evening Wednesday 10, worked on Gate 1 day 75 Thursday 11 Mr Kirby & Lipscomb both at work 1.50 today Mr Lipscomb leaving this day Friday 12 Both at work this day 1.50 1.50 Saturday 13 Both leaving this day Mr Kirby not here in morning Monday 15 Mr Lipscomb Friday 19 Mr Kirby worked 3 days & left Saturday 20 Mr Lipscomb Monday 22 Both here this morning 24- 27 Both worked 5 days this week } 7. a or nearly so Sept 6th Mr Kirby & Lipscomb came today 8 - Mr Kirby worked till to night 10 Rained yesterday to this morning Mr Lipscomb made shaft for buggy yesterday Mr Kirby worked domething like 2 1/2 day c 4/6 Mr Lipscomb worked something like 3 1/2 c 4/6 Sept 12 Mr Kirby & Lipscomb at work today __14 It rained more or less all evening & before night hard 15 Fair morning They are laying floor This morning Mr Lipscomb left at Dinner time today 16 Mr Lipscomb got back a little after 12 Oclock 17 Mr Kirby worked this week 5 days & two 1/2 after 9 oclock Saturday to day Lipscomb worked not quite5 days this week 19th Both worked till 9 oclock to day about 3 hours apiece. I left a little over 41 days

Last edit about 4 years ago by dj4skillman
187 [August 12, 1854 - January 20, 1855]
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187 [August 12, 1854 - January 20, 1855]

[page] 187 $31.12 1/2Fountain came here to work. This Monday morning Augt. 4 1854 at $12 1/2 Dollars pr month & last Friday he helped us raise Cutting House

Worked every day this week 6 days got Shingles in woods 1 1/2 days the Balance. We finished new Cutting House &c.

Worked this week 5 days getting Shingles 5 days

Worked Monday & Tuesday this week } 2 days Wednesday went to Blunks to raise Barn & then Sick & went home

Came again this morning getting Shingles. Till 29th in evening.

Worked till Friday evening narly 5 days. 5 days

Worked only 4 days this week 4 days Mr Johnson Farmer worked here yesterday 1 day Helping coupling the Rafters &c for Barn.

Only worked 5 days this week 5 days

Only worked 5 days this week 5 days

Worked this day Wednes 1 day 1 day

[subtotal] 33 days

Worked 1 day Helping raising House 1 day in all F. Wyatt worked on Barn & atting Shingles &c&c 34 days

Mr H. Arnold his Brother & Mr D.Rice came here at 3 Oclock in the [??] on our Porch & finished it in about 2 days |they then went to work on my Prize Shed at the Sum of two Dollars, pr day that is H at $1.00 the other 2 at 50¢ pr each $2 3 men 2 days

Worked 2 days & from 3 Oclock till night the day they came [pr ?]

Mr H Bro. came again about 3 Oclock in ev'ing to work.

The 2 Mr Arnolds worked 2 or 3 Hours this morning & it began to rain & they left.

2 Mr Arnolds here at work this morning

The 2 Mr Arnolds worked about 2 1/2 days this week

Mr Arnold & Bro came here again this morning to work - Monday, 5 1/2 days this week

Last edit almost 3 years ago by acmwitz
188 ["Memorandum of days Jerry fails to go to school"1853]
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188 ["Memorandum of days Jerry fails to go to school"1853]

188 Memorandum of days Jerrys fails to go to School to Mr Roswell, He started 2nd March 1853

1853 March 4. Missed going this day snowed Friday 1 day

" March 11th. Jerry has been only 1 day this week miss 4 day days on a/c of Rainy weather — 4-11

" " 18 Jerrys has missed 2 days this week for Rain 2-

" " 29 Jerrys has miss 1 day for being sick 1-

Aprl 2 " Jerrys has missed 2 days this week – 2

— 8. Jerrys has missed 3 days this week - 3–

— 13 Jerry sick with mumphs & stoped going to school this day & sick yet 24th aprl

July 7 Jerry has this morning started to school again he been sick more or less except on week at Mr Fitzgeralds since 13th aprl last

8 went 2 days this week

11th gone school again this morning

15. went every day this week 5 days

22 Only went 2 days week - 2 Mr Boswell gone to Lynchg

29. went 4 days this week —

Augt 5 went 2 days this week.

– 15. Jerry started again has failed to go to school on a/c of Hooping cough at school House as we heard & he went to Lynchg

19th Jerry went to 4 days this week –

27 Jerry went to 4 days this week

Sept 9th Jerry went 5 days this week

– 16 Jerry went 4 days this week

– 23. Only went 2 days this week & sick Sick yet 27th –

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
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