Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 18



February 15, 1865 - February 22, 1865
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February 15, 1865 - February 22, 1865

1865 Feby 15 Sent Big Henry to Millers Mill 1 Bbl Corn for meal 2 Bags Cotton to pick 1. 55lb. 1. 58lb 1/3lb seed & to see about my plank Raining & freesing a little this morning Cutting in Piny old field

17 went to Plantation Rained to day & snowed. Halled wood with Waggon from old place

W Bybee cut my shoats[?] last week I went to sale at stables Pannills Depot last Monday bot a Black Horse, Lewis, gave $105 for him Very poor -- said to be 9 or 10 years old

18th. Let Negroes Have 13½lb Bacon for 2 weeks from thsi day at Plantation

Henry went to old place to day to make waggon body Ben to help him, Balance malling & cutting in woods for fire wood.

Quite a moderate day, snow melted smartly

19th tolerable moderate day.

20. Same. Snow melting smartly.

22. Henry has been helping Ben make Waggon Body for 3 days. Balance striping. Women, Henry & Claiborne Malling Wood & Rails

Last edit over 3 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
February 22, 1865 - March 1, 1865
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February 22, 1865 - March 1, 1865

1865 I have been to Aspen Grove 22 Feby -- to day. & Starkey. Nearly[?] & Post office. Raining at night Halling wood. halled up 1 Slaik[?] oats & 1 of fodder this evening

23 Raining all day cleaned out stables & went to stripping Tobacco Henry finished Waggon which is at old place &my Irons --

Raining to night moderately

24th Stripping Tobacco all day

25. Sent Henry to Lains shop to get Bill shod for Jerry all round began to strip tobacco too hard & cold. Stopted --

Opening[?] making Baskets.

26th cleared off to day sent a $10 note to Kate & got 1lb Butter

27th Went to Starkeys to day & got some Leather &c --- ---

Began to fence here to day.

28th Raining this morning doing but little. Weather moderate

March 1 1865. Jerry H. Graves & John R. Whitehead Started to the army this morning for Richmond Let Jerry have Bill

Cloudy again, moderate weather

J. W. little negro bad of yet has been here all this year.

Last edit almost 10 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
March 1, 1865 - March 8, 1865
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March 1, 1865 - March 8, 1865

1865 March 1st We are fining & Halling Rails. Sent little Henry to Mr Hunts Mill 1 Bbl corn for meal Yesterday we were fencing

Let Jerry take Bill to ride in the Army, bot for me by John Richard Whitehead, last fall If can he will bring him back If not I give him the Horse

March 2. Raining all day Stripping Tobacco

March 3. Henry cutting wood for Susan Roark Claiborne Halled it. Halled wood here this morning fencing in evening

Still Cloudy & moderate weather

4th Cleared off to day I went to Plantation Fencing corn field fenced to day

Let negroes have 12lb Bacon to last 2 weeks from today (Plantation)

5 March 1865 Very pretty day --- !

6th-7th Pretty weather Fencing went Yates Mill. Carried 13 Bus. wheat & all for flour & 2½ Bus corn sent for Meal & sent Shop Mr Hargrave here to night

8th. Plowing & Brot Cow up here 12 Oclock began to Rain I went to Post office -- raining at night Joseph Whiteads little negro died with [...ders] I think.

Last edit almost 10 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
March 9, 1865 - March 17, 1865
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March 9, 1865 - March 17, 1865

1865 March 9th Buried Lucinda looks like Rain again making new ground fence. Sent Bacon to Depot [...ns] Tax in Kind.

10. Went to S. Stone fast day

11th Went to CH. about getting provisions for Gen. Lees Army 12th Stayed at home fine weather Roads Very muddy & Deep

13th Started to get provisions for Lees army gone all day & expect to go tomorrow

Burnt Plant Bed in new ground

Plowing & halled Rilas after 12 March

Fine weather roads drying [unclear]

15. Been out again on same

Went to plantation brot. up 20 Bus seed Oats some short corn for hogs Some [.er..] Grsss seed to sew. Some cabbage & went to Mount Airy.

Began to sew Oats to day.

17th Rained this day Sewed some Oats & Halled Rails

Last edit over 3 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
March 17, 1865  - March 23, 1865
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March 17, 1865 - March 23, 1865

1865 March 17th. Let Henry have 30lb Bacon to last him till 1st. Sept next. Let Claiborne & little Henry & Milly Ann have 15lb for 1 month from to day I have been out to get provisions for Genl Lees & made my report thro [Bro?] Gilbert

18th. We all went to Mrs Lewis funeral Strait Stone fine weather

19. Fine morning sewing oats

20 Raining after sewing oats Halling out Manure I went to Mrs Colemans this day

21st Raining after 12 Oclock carried to Depot for Genl Lees Army for Salt. 1 Bbl corn 3½lb soap 1½ Bus. Peas 1½ Peas. Halling manure & sewing oats [illegible].

22nd. I went to Post Office & plantation Sewing oats Halling out Manure fine weather tremendous windy day

23 Another tremendous Windy day Blew down a great deal of my fence2 Roughs off my stables Blew down shelter in fact I dont heard the Wind Blow harder in my [li]fe finished Sewing Oats Sewed 25 Bus.

Last edit almost 10 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
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