Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 17



November 4-20, 1863

November 4-20, 1863

1863 Novr 4th Since 24th Oct I have been from home a great deal they have been sewing wheat etc. got up lot corn & this week John Clark has been here pulling down & putting up little room chimney that he put up more than a year ago that fell from the House & would not do, finishing sowing wheat here to day Sewed about 20 Bus. here & 31 Bus at The Plantation in a Ring 50 inSet Mr Moorfield to sewing again & will 5 Bus more. all We have here 10 or 11 Stacks fodder here & 3 stacks Oats & 14 at Plantation & 9 stacks Oats in all.

6th got home last night. John has been putting up chimbleys this week to little room & New House, little rooms smokes got to make it higher to day, stealing Corn out of our fields on Creek & next to Beens [Ben's?] Halling up now off creek Sent Smith to mill.

11th Getting up Corn etc etc

20th Carried Carrd 1 more same purpose4 Logs to Keens Saw mill this day for floors of negro House began sugar corn & Rain put us out Sent Smith to Post office sent 3 letters 1 to Allan 1 to Jerry 1 to Sallie

Last edit over 3 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
November 28, 1863-March 22 1864

November 28, 1863-March 22 1864

28th Began to Shoe make last Monday novr 1863 23nd Novr. Roland Cutting out all day3 oclock Sandy Shoemaking, Roland was not here Tuesday, here 5¾ of the days this week made me a pr my wife a pr Prides & Dorans & begun Matties, I found thread & Roland to make them.

Decr 5th 1863 Sandy has been shoemaking for nearly 2 weeks Mr Roland work 6½ 4 days making Mr Hunts childrens shoes - we have been Plowing and Halling to Gov -ment Stables for upwards of a week. Wk Green & Wyatt has been at Government Stables ever Since 4th Novr 1863 pr Bond Henry went Decr 5th 1863 pr Bond Abraham started 7th Decr 1863 as pr 1864 nd [The text "1864" is written in pencil between "pr." and "nd", apparently later.]

March 22nd Since Christmas many things has transpired & I have been from home nearly all the time as assesser, but I shall resign my commission as assesser shortly - On this day week I left home for Pittsya Court & on 22nd very cold & Williams Collicler was with me going to Mrs Womacks to settle up & take her Rect for my acct of assessment

Last edit 28 days ago by Ben W. Brumfield
March 26, 1864 - April 1, 1864

March 26, 1864 - April 1, 1864

& forward it to T C Green of Richmond have started my acct with him & have got to see Wm H Waller yet all of which must be arranged this week & sent to Richmond, my son Jerry has been at home for about a month & started to the army on Tuesday last & that day the snow fell about 10 or 15 Inches deep I was at the CH till wednesday, I got home friday & Jerry started again this morning 26th March Come back last Wednesday on acct of the weather, to day the weather is 26th Sunday very pretty & snow nearly gone – & moderate Pride & Doran started to school to Mr Boyd the 7th March 1864 the 1st week they only went about 2 or 3 days the next they went nearly all the week & the last week before the 29th they only went Monday & Tuesday & it snowed Tuesday this day week &

29th Raining & we are striping Tobacco here sold Henry a Pig for $15.

april 1 Pride & Doran went to school 2 days this week the weather very wet & bad —

Last edit over 4 years ago by fransalman
April 2 - 13, 1864

April 2 - 13, 1864

1864 April 2nd - It rained very hard nearly every day this week. Striped Tobacco two days at Plantation sent Henry there sent our Bull to aspen Grove yesterday I have been at home complaining & writing for Government all this week Sent one 1½ Bus. wheat to mill Sent at Lovelace 2 Bus. wheat for 2½ at Harvest striping Tobacco here Jordan & Lowry here today---

9th At March Court Such a Snow We had nearly 2 feet Deep & every week it has rained very hard ever Since last week it rained very hard thundered & Lightened hard & Severe & this day tremendous rain, thunder & Lightning & now in the night & raining yet. So much wet I have not seen since 1834 I think dreadfull times in our Country yesterday was fast day the 8th April

12 Finished Sewing Oats in orchard here & Peach orchard at aspen Grove Listing for corn, Mr Mallery Rect etc& Tax in Kind to RichdStill Cloudy sent on[e? lost in margin]

13 Sewed flax - planted Pepper etc to day sewed more cabbage & tobacco on our plant Bed

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
April 16 - April 30, 1864

April 16 - April 30, 1864

1864 April 16. The wettest time we have had for many years snowed March Court & ever since it has been wet & the Sun has shined or shone very little Rains once or Twice every week & no Sun Shine scarcely at all. sent to Mill & Tates shop to day, halling out manure on Sweet & Irish Potatoe Patch ground wet this morning from rain last night

26. Let Henry have 32 lb bacon for Henry himself Jerry Smith & Claiborne who is expected home 4 or 5 may next week. pretty weather now. Planted Irish Potatoe, Sweet Potatoes etc. Plowing up Cotton Patch —

1864 April 30th. Sent to Aspen Grove 40 lb Bacon for them there over a month Finished Planting Corn old land to here & at plantation except flat land & Lot, planted Pepper seed, pumpkin & simbling & snaps Lucy Ben chop corn 2 days, to day we are halling out Maure Sewing Oats round overseers house & Beding Land for Irish Potatoes Halled some wood etc.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by fransalman
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