Letter from Thomas W. Ward to Stewart Perry.

Letter from Thomas W. Ward to Stewart Perry describing the state of affairs in Texas.


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Wow. I thought I had bad hand-writing.

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Document C [ ? ] Sept 30th 1837 Stewart Perry Esq. [ ? ]

[ ? ] to provide [?] you a few? brief but I should wish this was subject for many? and [?] I am not fond of wiring. I yet find a pleasure in [?] myself to and whose sympathies have been so far extended toward our sufferings Texas and furnish me to say the not only your sympathies but the aid of your funds have been acknowledged by the funds of Texas. I think it [?] upon me to return you any [?] greatful thanks for the assistance you have rendered to me in [realising??] for [?] . Service to him the country? needed thm most, and when my mur? [?]. I cannot but be honored in my [?] opinion when I think of your eloquent languages in appeals to the citizens of the [?] stuey to rely [?] our standard no Texan and the [?][?] which you [?] towards [???????] Crew of the invincible from their southern prision [???] [??]. I thought I had the power to appeal to the [?] of the patriotic, but I have failed in drawing forth [??] that [???] applause which your language hand drawn forth, but I hope in that Texas when she becomes independent will not allow the world? to say as the [?] have, that she is ungreatful, indeed from my own knowldge of the peopleI will mention to say that the kindess of those who [??] up in the struggles of this country shall be at all kind warnly received and ]?] the services [?] sall be warmly reciprocated by them and their representatives.

An early meetings of Congress has taken place by order of the President, I believe to act upon the [?], and when saved me, I see masked strongly the faces of the members honesty and good[?], which are the most valuable athilee?

Last edit 9 months ago by Gill Farrell
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to the character of Legislatory and intellectuals march is [???] but I am sorry to say the order has been to our army about face and forward to your [?]. I would rather the land was to Mexico that is if [?] could organise and disapline our army, equip and pay it regularly, but I am [?][?] was opposed to offensive [?] in consequence of the total amount of discipline in our little army, they are now distanbanded by order of the President and displaced over the whole faces of the country. Subject to all the [?] [?] [?] man knoew in fact [?] it [?] my very soul to see them. [?] Know form in the day to lie dead in our sheets [?][?] being so very high as to be out of [?] soldiers reach his pay no [?] for twelve months service he is obliged to [?] for the small sum of nine 60/100 dollars? no cash, which is not sufficient to purchase a hat or pair of boots. The consequnce is they [?] [?] no things but that [?] of the human race (spirit) in which that place abound. You will excuse me for taking up so much of your time, but believe me the services rendered by your to this country shall at last be warmly reciprocated and at all times acknowedge by . Please write me soon with all the new of [???]

Your very old and humbled servant

Thomas W. Ward

Last edit 9 months ago by Gill Farrell
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Stewart Perry Equ New Orleans

Last edit 9 months ago by Gill Farrell
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