-3- (centre aligned)
On the 29th March 1946 Flying Officer Stinson was pilot of a Dakota aircraft which took off on a rice dropping operation to Myitynia in Northern Burma near the Chinese border of Yunan. His aircraft failed to return to its base and all its crew was classified as missing. An exhaustive search located the crashed aircraft in a most in-accessible country together with a number of bodies which could not be identified who were buried at the scene of the crashed aircraft and Flying Officer Stinson was accordingly reclassified as missing believed killed. No further information was discovered and after due time had elapsed his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 29th March 1946.
5/2/5797 AS2.
1056 hours as pilot.
Mrs. N.F. Stinson (M) (right aligned)
17 Queens Drive (right aligned)
MUSSELBURGH (right aligned & underlined)
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