


Status: Complete

-2- (centre aligned)
From the attack on Hamburg undertaken on the night of the 28/29th July 1942 his aircraft failed to return to its base and all its crew was classified as missing. Later information was received from a German source through the International Red Cross that Sergeant Stewart had lost his life and he was in consequence reclassified as missing believed killed in action and after due time had elapsed his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 29th July 1942 as the result of air operations. It was subsequently learned that his grave was located in the New Cemetery, Lingen-on-Ems, Germany.

The crew of the aircraft contained three other New Zealanders, Flight Sergeant A.G. Johns of Auckland, Sergeant M. Kraljevich of Waiuku and Sergeant L.A. Frampton of Invercargill.

5/15/1352 A?S.2
184 hours as air gunner.

Mrs. A.E. Stewart (M) (right aligned)
12 Robert Hall Avenue (right aligned)
Remuera (right aligned)
AUCKLAND (right aligned & underlined)

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