


Status: Complete

-2- (centre aligned)
missing. Later information was received from a German source through the International Red Cross that Sergeant Stewart had lost his life in the course of the raid and had been buried with full military honours in the Central Cemetery, Brockeswalde, near Cuxhaven, Germany and after due time had elapsed his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 29th July 1942 as the result of air operations.

The crew of the aircraft contained two other New Zealanders who lost their lives, Sergeant A.G. Sutherland of Pleasant Point and Sergeant A.O. Tabor of Owaka.

Auckland Museum link with a photo of Sgt. Stewart with his Squadron: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/war-memorial/online-cenotaph/record/C26900?n=ian+gordon+stewart&from=%2Fwar-memorial%2Fonline-cenotaph%2Fsearch&ordinal=0

5/2/3902 AS2.
230 hours as Wireless Operator
Air Gunner.

Mrs. N.E. Stewart (M), (right aligned)
C/- Mr. T. Sathedey (right aligned)
Camberia Street (right aligned)
LEVIN (right aligned & underlined)

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