RNZAF Biographies of Deceased Personnel: 1939 - 1945, Qu - Sl



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R.A.F. 43710 Squadron Leader Cuthbert RAYMOND D.F.C. Widow: Mrs. G.A. Raymond of Cambridge, England. Parents: Dr. and Mrs. C. Raymond of Keri Keri, BAY OF ISLANDS.

Cuthbert Raymond was born at Waipawas on the 18th October 1916. He received his secondary education at Christ's College, Christchurch reaching University entrance standard. He was employed in sheep farming for Mr. A.W. Parsons at Waipukurau, before applying for a short service comission in the Royal Air Force in February 1939. On acceptance he commenced his ab-initio training at Rongotai on the 20th September 1939.

Squadron Leader Raymond was posted to Taieri on the 21st October and then on the 19th December to No. 1 Service Flying Training School, Wigram. Here he was awarded the flying badge on the 13th February 1940 and commissioned in the rank of Pilot Officer on the 8th June 1940 on his arrival in the United Kingdom. While serving wtih the Royal Air Force, he was promoted to Flight Lieutenant on the 19th March 1941 and granted the acting rank of Squadron Leader on the 5th May 1942. Meantime he had embarked by the Rangitiki on the 26th April 1940 for the United Kingdom.

Squadron Leader Raymond arrived at No. 1 Depot, Uxbridge, on the 8th June 1940 and was posted to No. 13 Operational Training Unit, Bicester, Oxfordshire late in the same month, where he crewed up and completed his training as pilot of Wellington bomber aircraft, before posting on the 24th August to No. 15 Squadron at Oakington, Cambridge. He took part in a large number of operational flights and on the 6th June 1941 was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the citation covering the award being as hereunder:- "One night in May 1941, Flight Lieutenant Raymond and a certain R.A.F. Sergeant was captain and rear gunner respectively in an aircraft which carried out an attack against Berlin. After spending considerable time over the target area waiting for a break in the clouds to permit of accurate bombing, a steady run was made over the target and despit heavy and

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-2- (centre aligned) accurate anti-aircraft fire, a well-aimed attack of bombs was finally released over the objective. After flying for a short distance, it caught fire and began to lose height. After the fire had been put out the aircraft was subjected to a determined attack by and enemy fighter, but the air gunner coolly engaged his enemy and enable his captain to manouvere his aircraft and finally evade the attacker. In the face of many difficulties Flight Lieutenant Raymond flew his aircraft back to base and landed safely. Flight Lieutenant Raymond and his rear gunner both displayed the greatest courage and determination throughout."

Late in July 1941 Squadron Leader Raymond was posted to No. 27 Operational Training Unit, Lichfield, Staffordshire for his rest period carrying out instructor duties until he re-crewed prior to posting on the 20th January 1942 to No. 1651 Conversion Unit, Waterbeach, Cambridge. Here he converted to Stirling four-engined aircraft and was then posted as a flight commander during August 1942 to No. 218 (Gold Coast) Squadron at Downham Market, Norfolk for operational flying.

Squadorn Leader Raymond was the captain of a Stirling aircraft engaged during the night of the 23/24th September 1942 in an attack on a target at Vegesack north of Bremen, Germany. The aircraft failed to return to its base and all the crew including Squadron Leader Raymond were classified as missing. No subsequent information was received concerning the aircraft or the crew, and in due course his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 23rd September 1942.

5/2/1173 A.S.2. No Log Book.

Mrs. G.A. Raymond (W) (right aligned) C/o The Wagon and Horses (right aligned) Milford, (right aligned) Cambridge (right aligned) ENGLAND (right aligned & underlined)

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A.402213 Pilot Officer Vernon Wellington RAYMOND. Widow: Mrs. P.M. Raymond of WELLINGTON.

Vernon Raymond was born in Fairlie on October 6th 1915 and received his secondary education at the Wairarapa High School up to matriculation standard. He also passed six subjects in the Professional Accountancy Examination at Enting's Commercial College, Wellington. At High School he was a member of the 1st XV Rugby team from 1930-1932. He was also a member of the athletic team and a Senior Swimming Champion and was associated with the Marauni Surf Club, Wellington. At the time of applying for War Service in Air-crew on September 13th 1939 he was employed as an accountant by Messrs. Levin and Company Limited, Wellington.

Pilot Officer Raymond was enlisted at the Initial Training Wing, Levin on July 28th 1940 and was posted to Harewood fro his elementary training on August 28th. On October 28th he proceeded to Woodbourne for his service training, being awarded the Flying Badge on January 17th 1941. He was commissioned in the rank of Pilot Officer on February 8th. Later that month he was posted to No. 2 General Reconnaissance Squadron Nelson on flying duties.

Pilot Officer Raymond was killed in a flying accident in the Hereinga Valley, Nelson on April 2nd 1941. He was buried in the Nelson Cemetery.

Find a Grave link with a photo of Pilot Officer Raymond: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/121292610/vernon-wellington-raymond Auckland Museum link with a photo of Pilot Officer Raymond: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/war-memorial/online-cenotaph/record/C31102?n=vernon+wellington+raymond&from=%2Fwar-memorial%2Fonline-cenotaph%2Fsearch&ordinal=0

5/2/1789 A.S.2. No Log Book.

Mrs. P.M. Raymond (W) (right aligned) 49 Waitoa Road (right aligned) WELLINGTON (right aligned & underlined)

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417233 Warrant Officer Ronald Stanley Gilbert RAYNEL. Widow: Mrs. B.P. Hardingham of ENGLAND (re-married).

Ronald Raynel was born at Matamata, Auckland on August 15th 1920 and received his primary education at the Kakahi School where he gained his Proficiency Certificate. His school sports were football, hockey and tennis. At the time of making and application for War Service in Aircrew on July 1st 1940 he was employed as a butcher by the Premier Meat Company, Matamata.

He was enlisted at the Initial Training Wing, Levin on December 28th 1941 as Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, embarking for Canada under the Empire Air Training Scheme.

On his arrival in Canada he disembarked at No. 1 "M" Depot, Debert, Nova Scotia on April 14th, being posted towards the end of the month to No. 2 Wireless School, Calgary, Alberta. On January 19th 1943 he proceeded to No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School MacDonald, Manitoba where he was awarded the Air Gunner's Badge on April 2nd 1943 and promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He was further promoted to Flight Sergeant on October 2nd 1943 and to Warrant Officer on October 2nd 1944. Meantime on April 14th 1943 he had proceeded to No. 1 "Y" Depot, Halifax, Nova Scotia for embarkation to the United Kingdom.

On arriving in England on September 13th 1943, Warrant Officer Raynel after a short period at No. 12 Personnel Reception Centre, Brighton was posted to No. 1 (Coastal) Operational Training Unit (location redacted). He transferred to No. 120 Squadron, Nutts Corner, early on November 29th moving to No. 228 Squadron, Pembroke Dock, Cornwall, early in February 1944.

Warrant Officer Raynel was a member of the crew of a Sunderland Flying Boat which crashed into the sea on April 27th 1945 while engaged on anti-submarine patrol on the Cornish Coast, Warrant Officer Raynel losing his life. He was later classified as "lost at sea" on the above date.

5/15/1909 A.S.2. No Log Book.

Mrs. B.P. Hardingham (W) (right aligned) 371 Torbay Road (right aligned) Raynorslane (right aligned) Harrow (right aligned) Middlesex, ENGLAND (right aligned & country underlined)

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R.A.F. 40260 Flying Officer Kenneth Noel REA. Mother: Mrs. D.M. Rea of Merivale, CHRISTCHURCH.

Kenneth Rea was born at New Plymouth on the 13th March 1913 and received his secondary education at the New Plymouth Boy's High School, passing the school certificate examination. After leaving school he was employed in a number of capacities particularly sheep farming, before applying for a short service commission in the Royal Air Force in March 1937, on acceptance, he embarked by the Rotorua on the 13th July for the United Kingdom.

Flying Officer Rea commenced his elementary flying training at the Civil Flying School, Sywell, Northamptonshire, on the 24th August completing this before being granted a short service commission as Acting Pilot Officer on the 24th October. He compelted a short disciplinary course at Uxbridge, Middlesex, on the 6th November and was then posted to No. 9 Flying Training School, Errol, Scotland. Here he was awarded the flying badge on the 4th June 1938. A week later he commenced a short navigation course at the School of Air Navigation, Manston, Kent, and on the 20th August he joined No. 103 Squadron with which he served until posted to No. 226 Squadron of the Advanced Air Striking Force on the continent after the outbreak of war, early in September 1939. With the squadron he crewed up and flew Fairey Battle aircraft.

Flying Officer Rea was the pilot of a Fairey Battle aircraft which took off from Songe Aerodrome in the Cher and Loire District of France on the 14th June 1940 to bomb a target near Dreux, South West of Paris. The aircraft failed to return to its base and all the crew, including Flying Officer Rea were classified as missing. Later information was received from an official German source through the International Red Cross that one of the crew had been captured but there was no word of Flying Officer Rea. In due course his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 14th June 1940.

A post war casualty search disclosed that the aircraft had crashed, and that Flying Officer Rea was buried in the

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