RNZAF Biographies of Deceased Personnel: 1939 - 1945, Qu - Sl



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41493 Flight Sergeant Malcolm William RANDALL (surname underlined) Parents Mr. & Mrs. S.F. Randall of Christchurch. Widow Mrs. R.M. Randall of Christchurch.

Born in Christchurch on the 22nd May 1917, Malcolm Randall received his secondary education at Christchurch Technical College attaining Matriculation standard. The games he played were rugby and cricket. His civilian occupation was that of a carpenter in the employ of Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch. In February 1940 he applied for war service in the Royal New Zealand Air Force.

Flight Sergeant Randall was enlisted for aircrew training on the 19th January 1941 at the Ground Training School, Levin, and was posted on the 4th March to No. 3 Elementary Flying Training School, Harewood to commence his flying training. This elementary training completed, he proceeded on the 15th April to No. 2 Service Flying Training School, Woodbourne, for training on service type aircraft. While here on the 25th May he was awarded his flying badge and on the 5th July received his promotion to sergeant. His promotion to flight sergeant was promulgated when he was later serving in England on the 1st June 1942. Meanwhile on the 22nd July 1941 he had embarked for the United Kingdom.

On arriving in England on the 2nd September 1941, Flight Sergeant Randall reported to No. 3 Personnel Reception Centre, Bournemouth where he was attached until posted on the 17th September, to No. 10 Operational Training Unit, Abdingdon, Berkshire, to crew-up and complete his training on Whitley bomber aircraft. On the 13th November he was posted to No. 58 Squadron, St. Eval, Cornwall and commenced operational flying. During December 1941 he carried out two operational flights being attacks on Brest in France and Dusseldorf in Germany. On the 12th January 1942 he was attached for a week to No. 1501 Beam Approach Training Flight, Abingdon, for a short instrument flying course. At the completion of this course he returned to No. 58 Squadron, and resumed operational flying. As pilot of a Whitley bomber he took part in a further twenty-one operational flights, bringing his total operations to twenty-three. These additional operations included attacks on St. Nazaire (2), Paris (3), and Arras in France; Mannheim in Germany; nine anti-submarine sweeps, three offensive patrols and a convoy patrol.

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-2- (centre aligned) On the 3rd August 1942, Flight Sergeant Randall was pilot of a Whitley bomber taking part in a mvoe of No. 58 Squadron at Wick, Caithness, Scotland. When over Wick his aircraft stalled and spun in from 300 to 400 feet both occupants of the aircraft being killed. Flight Sergeant Randall was buried in the Wick Cemetery.

The other occupant of the aircraft was also a New Zealander, Sergeant K.G. Dunn of Whangarei.

5/15/1094 AS2. 468 hours as pilot.

Mrs. R.M. Randall, (W), (right aligned) Box 1177, (right aligned) CHRISTCHURCH (right aligned & underlined)

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427230 : Flying Officer Greville RANDELL. PARENTS : Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Randell of (Wellington) Birkenhead. WIFE : Mrs. J.F.J. Randell of Auckland.

Greville Randell was born at Tauranga on the 14th October 1920. After two years secondary education at the Northcote District High School, he decided to follow the trade of Electroplater, being employed as such by the City Electroplating Company, until the time of his enlistment.

At the age of 19 years, he volunteered for the Territorial Service and served until he enlisted in the RNZAF in September 1941. On completing his ground training at Rotorua, he was posted to No. 1 Elementary Flying Training School, Taieri to commence flying training, passing on to Advanced Training School, Woodbourned (redacted with the report that he was "a good type who should develop well.") He completed his flying training at Woodbourne (redacted being assessed as "above average") and was authorised to wear the Flying Badge in May 1943 and recommended for a commission.

Greville Randell was then posted to an officer's course of instruction at Levin (redacted wehre his first report read "A good type with determination and strength of character.") (redacted He) Where he was commissioned on the 6th May 1943, Pilot Officer Randell then proceeded to RNZAF Station, Tauranga to undergo training as a flying instructor (redacted and justified the confidence placed in him by) successfully completing the course and later on in July 1943 (redacted was) being posted to RNZAF Station, Taieri as a Flying Instructor. On the 6th November 1943 Pilot Officer Randell was promoted to Flying Officer and having completed a year on flying instructional duties, underwent conversion training on to fighter aircraft. On completion of such training at Ohakea and Ardmore, he proceeded to the aircrew pool, Hobsonville to await posting to an overseas squadron. On the 16th October 1944, Greville Randell joined No. 16 Fighter Squadron and proceeded overseas to Guadalcanal on the 21st November 1944.

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The Unit moved forward to Green Island and Flying Officer Randell participated in bombing and strafing sorties in addition to carrying out dawn patrols. On his first patrol at Green Island, he strafed barges on Makada Island and on another occasion bombed Makada Island obtaining three hits on the target. Once as a member of a Dumbo Escort, he strafed two trucks, claiming one destroyed and the other probably destroyed. On January 15th, 1945 he was one of the pilots engaged in the gallant but unsuccessful attempted rescue of F/Lt. Keefe who had baled out in Simpson Harbour. On the return flight, F/O Randell's Corsair crashed into the jungle at Blue Beach during a heavy rain and electrical storm, all the crew, including Flying Officer Randell losing their lives.

Find a Grave link with a photo of Flying Officer Randell: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/155458566/greville-randell Auckland Museum link with a photo of Flying Officer Randell: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/war-memorial/online-cenotaph/record/C31061?n=427230&from=%2Fwar-memorial%2Fonline-cenotaph%2Fsearch&ordinal=0

5/2/11454 A.S.2. 1239 hours.

Mrs. J.F. Randell (W) (right aligned) 18 Wilton Street (right aligned) Grey Lynn, AUCKLAND (right aligned & city underlined)

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NZ405454 (note change 405545) SERGEANT DOUGLAS HAIG RANDLE. Sister: Miss B.P. Randle of Dunedin.

Douglas Randle was born at Dunedin on the 5th April (note change 1948) 1918, and received his secondary education at the Otago Boys' High School, afterwards taking a course in advertising with the International Correspondence School.

He took a keen interest in photography and Music, and took part in amateur athletics. On leaving school he was employed as a Law Clerk by Lang and Paterson, Solicitors, of Dunedin, and was so engageed on the 15th March 1940 when he applied for enlistment in aircrew in the R.N.Z.A.F.

Sgt. Randle was enlisted at the Initial Training Wing, Levin on the 22nd December 1940 and on completion of his Ground Training Course, embarked on the 29th April 1941 for Canada to continue his training under the Empire Air Training Scheme.

On arrival on the 14th May he proceeded to No. 6 Air Observers School, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, then on the 3rd August to No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe, also in Saskatchewan. While at this Unit, he was awarded the Air Observers Badge and promoted to the rank of Sergeant on the 15th September, being posted on the same day to No. 1 Air Navigators School, Rivers, Manitoba where he trained on Anson aircraft. On the 3rd November he was posted to No. 1 "Y" Depot, Halifax, Nova Scotia for embarkation to the United Kingdom.

Sgt. Randle arrived at No. 3 Personnel Reception Centre, Bournemouth on the 23rd November, remaining attached there until the 15th December when he proceeded to No. 2 Air Observers School, Millom, Cumberland, prior to crewing up and training on Wellington bomber aircraft at No. 11 Operational Training Unit, Bassingbourn, Hertfordshire, on the 20th January 1942. He commenced operational flying on the 14th June as a member of No. 75 (N.Z.) Squadron, then stationed at Feltwell, Norfolk. From this base as Navigator of Wellington bomber aircraft he took part in five operational flights, the targets including EMDEN (2) and BREMEN in Germany, and St. Nazaire (was Nagaire) in France.

On the night of the 29th/30th June 1942, Sgt. Randle was the Navigator of a Wellington bomber which took off on war operations the target being Emden in Germany and failed to return to its base, all

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